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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Java Developer Topics > IDV Startup

5.2.0 Initialization and Properties
The IDV starts up with the following sequence:
  1. The starting point (e.g., main) of the IDV is an application specific class derived from ucar.unidata.idv.IntegratedDataViewer, e.g., ucar.unidata.apps.example.ExampleIdv.
  2. When the IDV starts up a singleton instance of this main class is created and the IntegratedDataViewer.init method is called.
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            ExampleIdv idv = new ExampleIdv(args);
  3. The application is configured by first defining an initial set of property files in the code.
            //Put the default property file in the list before we parse args 
    The initPropertyFiles method is called to allow subclasses to modify the list. e.g., from ExampleIdv:
        public void initPropertyFiles(List files) {
  4. The command line arguments are parsed by the ArgsManager.
  5. The class, StateManager, is used to initialize the state.
  6. Default system properties file.
  7. Let's go change the example file.
    1. cd to /home/idv/idv/ucar/unidata/apps/example/resources
    2. Copy the file: up one level to ucar/unidata/apps/example. This is the APPPATH.
    3. Run the Example Idv (


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Java Developer Topics > IDV Startup