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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics > Diagnostic Functions: Formulas and Jython

4.2.3 Doing More with Jython
(Courtesy of Dr. William Fingerhut, Lyndon State College, VT. For full details, see

A vertical cross section of temperature does not show as much structure as possible because the vertical temperature gradient is much larger than the horizontal temperature gradient. One way to solve this problem is to subtract the U. S. Standard Atmosphere from the temperature field, and create a vertical cross section of temperature anomaly.

This exercise will show how Jython can be used in the IDV for complex calculations like this.

  1. Load in the Sample RUC Data data source. Show popup
  2. Create a Contour Vertical Cross Section of the 3D grid->temperature field
  3. Move the cross section line in the main display to a North/South orientation by dragging the endpoints.
  4. View the Jython procedure for calculating temperature anomaly
  5. Create a Formula to call the tempAnom procedure
  6. Create the Display
  7. Share the cross section locations
  8. Try this exercise with real-time model data.


Previous: Doing More With Formulas Next: Jython and VisAD Table of contents Frames User guide
Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics > Diagnostic Functions: Formulas and Jython