script. /home/idv/IDV_6.1u1
cd /home/idv/IDV_6.1u1
On Unix/Mac:
cat runIDV
On Windows:
type runIDV.bat
You should see a printout that ends like this:
On Unix:
command="java -Xmx${idv_memory}m -Didv.enableStereo=false -jar ${dirname}/idv.jar $*"and then some code to find the version of java to use.
On Windows:
jre\bin\java -Xmx%idv_memory%m -Didv.enableStereo=false -jar idv.jar %*
The script sets up the environment for the IDV to run. Details
script. To get
a listing, run the following command:
./runIDV -help
You should see a printout like this:
-help (this message) -properties <property file> -installplugin <plugin jar file to install> -plugin <plugin jar file, directory, url for this run> -noplugins (don't load plugins) -cleardefault (Clear the default bundle) -nodefault (Don't read in the default bundle file) -default <.xidv file> -bundle <bundle file or url> -oneinstanceport <port number> (Check if another version of the IDV is running. If so pass command line arguments to it and shutdown) -nooneinstance (Don't do the one instance port) -nopref (Don't read in the user preferences) -userpath <user directory to use> -sitepath <url path to find site resources> -nogui (Don't show the main window gui) -data <data source> (Load the data source) -display <parameter> <display> -islinteractive <scriptfile> (run the isl file in interactive mode); -islfile <scriptfile> (Run the IDV Jython script in batch mode) -image <image file name> (create a jpeg image and then exit) -movie <movie file name> (create a quicktime movie and then exit) -imageserver <port number or .properties file> (run the IDV in image generation server mode. Support http requests on the given port) -Dpropertyname=value (Define the property value) -catalog <url to a chooser catalog> -connect <collaboration hostname to connect to> -server (Should the IDV run in collaboration server mode) -port <Port number collaboration server should listen on> -chooser (show the data chooser on start up) -printjnlp (Print out any embedded bundles from jnlp files) -setfiles <datasource pattern> <semi-colon delimited list of files> (Use the list of files for the bundled datasource) -currenttime <dttm> (Override current time for ISL processing) -listresources (list out the resource types) -debug (Turn on debug print) -debugmessages (Turn on language pack debug) -recordmessages <Language pack file to write missing entries to> -trace (Print out trace messages) -traceonly <trace pattern> (Print out trace messages that match the pattern)
argument to load some
workshop specific configuration files from a plugin. (You will
learn more about plugins later in the workshop).
To start the IDV for the workshop the first time,
type (Cut and Paste tip
./runIDV -installplugin
While the IDV is starting, you will see the following splash screen:
IDV Help Tips
window. An optional
window with tips on using the IDV.
IDV Help Tips
by clicking the Close
button. We'll
look at this in a later exercise.
window. Used for
selecting data to analyze and visualize.Unidata Workshop IDV
window. This
is the main window for displaying data visualizations.