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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Starting the IDV/GUI Basics > IDV Basic Concepts

2.1.8 Starting the IDV with Java Web Start
You can also start the IDV through the Java Web Start program.
Using Java Web Start
Java Web Start is an application-deployment technology from Sun Microsystems that downloads all necessary software for an application and then starts the application with a single click in your Web browser.

One advantage of Web Start is that it will install the program on the first download and will automatically check for updates and retrieve new versions on subsequent start-ups. Web Start has the disadvantage that you have to first install Java (which includes the Web Start distribution).

  1. For this workshop, you can launch the workshop version of the IDV through Web Start from:

    The Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) file at that location specifies the location for the files to download. It also includes the installplugin specification that we used earlier.

  2. After downloading the files, the IDV is automatically launched. You will be asked to accept a certificate of authenticity. Accept this and the IDV will start up.
  3. Notice that this IDV looks the same as the one you started from the command line. In fact, it uses the same preferences that were used by the command line version, so starting either way should give the same results.
  4. This was just a demonstration, so you can exit the IDV in preparation for the next section. For the rest of the workshop, we'll use the command line version.

For more about use of Web Start with the IDV see the IDV FAQ.


Table of contents Frames User guide
Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Starting the IDV/GUI Basics > IDV Basic Concepts