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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > IDV and RAMADDA > Installation and Configuration

6.0.0 OS X Installation
Installing on OS X

Installing RAMADDA involves the installation of these three software packages:

We will now go through each of steps in detail. You will need to know how to open the located in the Applications > Utilities folder and issue Unix shell commands. You also must have sudo privileges.

Java Installation (instructions borrowed from Adobe)

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities > Java Preferences
  2. Open the Java Preferences
  3. If Java is not installed, you will receive the following message:
  4. Click Install and accept the license agreement. The Java runtime is downloaded and installed.

Tomcat Installation (instructions borrowed from Wolf Paulus)

  1. Download a tar.gz binary distribution of the Apache Tomcat core module.
  2. Unarchive the tar.gz file. You can uncompress this file with the Unarchiver. This action should result in a file called apache-tomcat-x.y.z in your Downloads folder. (x.y.z stands for the particular version of Apache Tomcat you downloaded)
  3. Start the and issue the following commands
  4. sudo mkdir /usr/local
  5. sudo mv ~/Downloads/apache-tomcat-x.y.z /usr/local
  6. sudo ln -s /usr/local/apache-tomcat-x.y.z /Library/Tomcat
  7. sudo chown -R your_username /Library/Tomcat
  8. sudo chmod +x /Library/Tomcat/bin/*.sh

RAMADDA Installation

  1. Download the RAMADDA WAR (web application archive) file.
  2. mv ~/Downloads/repository.war /Library/Tomcat/webapps
  3. /Library/Tomcat/bin/
  4. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/repository If you see the following screen, you have successfully installed RAMADDA.

You are now ready to to set up the admin account in RAMADDA.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > IDV and RAMADDA > Installation and Configuration