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7.4 Site Configuration
You can customize the IDV for yourself and your site in a variety of ways. The IDV is configured through a set of resource files. These are typically eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files that define things such as: Most of these files (with the exception of the chooser UI, help tips, data sources, displays and favorite bundle locations) are created through facilities provided by the IDV (e.g., color table editor, formula editor, etc.)

By default the IDV looks in three places for the resources it uses to configure itself:

When the IDV first starts up it reads the system properties file: This defines some basic information (e.g., title, splash icon, ADDE servers, etc.) as well as defining where to find other properties files. By default it looks for files under the site path and the user path: = %SITEPATH%/;%USERPATH%/;
You can also specify one or more properties files as command line arguments:
-properties your_properties_file
The IDV processes these properties files in order, with properties defined in later files overriding those defined previously.

Once the properties have been processed the IDV initializes its resources by reading in one or more resource definition files. We call these files "RBI" files - (Resource Bundle for the IDV). These are XML files, the locations of which are defined by the idv.resourcefiles property:

When you first run the IDV, the application, as a thoughtful convenience, writes out an example RBI file into your local .unidata/idv/DefaultIdv directory. This example file has documentation that describes how to add in new resources.

These RBI files define the location of different collections of resources. For example, from the system RBI file, idv.rbi, we have the entry that defines where the IDV can find the XML files that define the color tables:

  <resources name="idv.resource.colortables">
    <resource location="%USERPATH%/colortables.xml"/>
    <resource location="%SITEPATH%/colortables.xml"/>
    <resource location="%IDVPATH%/colortables.xml"/>
This says to look for colortables in the user path, sitepath and IDV system path. The IDV uses the first entry in this list as the file path to write out color tables that are created using the color table editor.

Note: as a further complexity, errr, convenience, if there is a property defined in the properties file which is the resource name than the IDV just uses the value of the property (it treats it as a semi-colon delimited list of paths) as the resources and ignores the resources in the RBI file. So, for example, if you had a property:

then the IDV would only load in these colortables.

Using the RBI file, what are the set of steps you need to take to configure your site to use a set of special color tables that you have created. What you would do is bring up the IDV. Create the color tables. They would get saved off in your local .unidata/idv/DefaultIdv directory in the file colortables.xml (as defined by the resource paths defined in the default RBI). You could simply copy that file to an area on your web site or on a shared file system that is pointed to by the IDV sitepath. Now, your users simply need to define the sitepath and they will naturally pick up the color tables you have created.

Most site configuration can be accomplished through the default user/site/system resource locations. However, you can modify the RBI file to include other resources. For example, you could add in an entry:

 <resource location=""/>
to make available some special color tables at a particular URL.
7.4.0 Resource
Here is the list of the resource identifiers, description and file pattern (for use with plugins) of the different resources the IDV uses.
Resource IdentifierDescriptionFile Pattern
idv.resource.colortablesColor tables used in the applicationcolortables.xml$
idv.resource.projectionsMap projectionsprojections.xml$
idv.resource.transectsMap transectstransects.xml$
idv.resource.grib1lookuptablesGrib 1 Lookup tablesgrib1lookuptable.lst$
idv.resource.grib2lookuptablesGrib 2 Lookup tablesgrib2lookuptable.lst$
idv.resource.stationmodelsStation modelsstationmodels.xml$
idv.resource.imagedefaultsADDE Image Defaultsimagedefaults.xml$
idv.resource.backgroundwmsBackground WMS imagesbackgroundwms.xml$
idv.resource.imagesetsImage Setsimagesets.xml$
idv.resource.autodisplaysAutomatic display creationautodisplays.xml$
idv.resource.skinUI Skinskin.xml$
idv.resource.toolbarTool bartoolbar.xml$
idv.resource.stationsymbolsStation model symbolsstationsymbols.xml$
idv.resource.colorpairsColor pairsno pattern
idv.resource.bundlexmlBundle xmlno pattern
idv.resource.aliasesData aliasesaliases.xml$
idv.resource.datasourceSpecification of the data sourcesdatasource.xml$
idv.resource.derivedDerived quantitiesderived.xml$
idv.resource.choosersThe definition of the user interface for data chooserschoosers.xml$
idv.resource.bundlesDefault bundles that are evaluated at start upno pattern
idv.resource.controlsDisplay controlscontrols.xml$
idv.resource.helptipsHelp tips shown in the help tips dialoghelptips.xml$
idv.resource.locationsFixed station locationslocations.xml$
idv.resource.mapsMaps for the displaysmaps.xml$
idv.resource.menubarCommands in the menu bar(defaultmenu.xml$|menubar.xml$)
idv.resource.paramdefaultsDisplay defaults for dataparamdefaults.xml$
idv.resource.paramgroupsParameter groupsparamgroups.xml$
idv.resource.userchooserEnd user constructed data choosersno pattern
idv.resource.preferencesUser preferencesno pattern
idv.resource.pluginsPluginsno pattern
idv.resource.prototypesPrototypesno pattern


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