Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Java Developer Topics > Development Environment
5.0.1 IDV Source Tree
An overview of the major packages of the IDV
- ucar.unidata.idv -- Holds the main application framework.
- ucar.unidata.idv.ui -- Holds user interface related classes.
- ucar.unidata.idv.collab --
Handles multi-user collaboration.
- ucar.unidata.idv.control -- Holds the set of concrete DisplayControl classes.
- ucar.unidata.idv.control.chart -- Holds the set of classes to support chart displays.
- ucar.unidata.idv.control.drawing -- Wrappers for glyphs used in the DrawingControl
- ucar.unidata.idv.resources --
Holds a variety of resources that instantiate an application.
- ucar.unidata.idv.chooser --
Contains the data chooser implementations.
- ucar.unidata.util -- Holds a set of utilities.
- ucar.unidata.ui -- Holds various user interface facilities.
- ucar.unidata.ui.colortable -- Color table editor
- ucar.unidata.ui.drawing -- Generic drawing editor framework
- ucar.unidata.ui.symbol -- Our station (layout) model editor
- ucar.unidata.xml -- Contains a variety of classes related to xml.
- ucar.unidata.collab -- Interfaces and base classes for sharing state.
- ucar.visad -- Unidata specific code that deals directly with Visad.
- ucar.visad.display -- Contains DisplayMaster/Displayable.
- ucar.unidata.data --
Holds classes that know how to access and/or read in
data sources (e.g., netCDF files, ADDE servers, etc.)
- ucar.unidata.data.grid -- Deals with grid oriented data.
- ucar.unidata.data.gis -- Deals with GIS oriented data.
- ucar.unidata.data.imagery -- Deals with image oriented data.
- ucar.unidata.data.point -- Deals with point oriented data.
- ucar.unidata.data.sounding -- Deals with sounding/trajectory data.
- ucar.unidata.data.text -- Deals with text oriented data.
Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Java Developer Topics > Development Environment