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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Advanced Topics > Diagnostic Functions: Formulas and Jython

4.2.4 Jython and VisAD

How the IDV uses the Jython language and the VisAD software library.

Jython and the IDV

Jython is the Python computer language, implemented in Java. The Jython user sees regular Python and no Java. You do not need to know Java to use Jython. Python is a new language in which simple things are usually simple to do. IDV formulas use syntax and methods from Jython. Jython (Python) has a simple syntax, but this is a powerful computer language that can do most everything C++ and Java can do.

Jython has an easy and intuitive syntax. Jython is as easy to write as FORTRAN, and easier than C or C++. If you have existing FORTRAN code, conversion should be straightforward, with line by line conversions in most cases. In IDV formulas you can use any normal built-in Python (Jython) operator, such as +, -, / *, and ** for exponentiation, or numeric functions, such as abs, round, pow, or sqrt. Jython is also used in defining your own methods, described in this section.

The IDV uses Jython for formulas for three reasons. One is that Jython can call Java code, so there can be full integration between Jython methods and internal code in the IDV (you can see examples in the IDV Jython system library). Another reason is that the IDV uses VisAD software to store and manage data, and VisAD software is written in Java. VisAD also can be called directly by Jython. To work with data in the IDV you use VisAD. And finally, because Jython is easy as most any computer language.

You do not need to study Jython/Python in detail to use VisAD formulas. If you do wish to learn more about Jython and Python, we recommend these books

and these web sites:,,
Using Python with VisAD ( ).
VisAD and the IDV
The IDV also provides and supports VisAD, a Java library to provide display and analysis code for multi-dimensional data. All data objects used by the IDV are actually, invisibly to the user, stored in VisAD data objects, which carry with them information about units, errors, navigation coordinate systems and transformations, and other metadata.

VisAD includes a package of code, visad.python.JPythonMethods, to allow Jython calls to operate on VisAD data objects, such as 3D grids. That is why in the IDV you can write a simple formula such as (TC*1.8 + 32.0) - DewptF and it will automatically apply the calculation to every element in two large 3D grids referred to as TC and DewptF. No "do loops" over all grid points are needed; and you don't even need to know anything about how the grid is defined, or the data format, or the the grids's navigation on the Earth. The same "IDV Formula" can be applied, without alteration, to a single value, to data from a vertical sounding or a balloon track, or 2D grids or other 3D grids. All you need is one line of code. You can even mix data sources in one calculation: a temperature variable "TC" can come from Eta forecasts and another "DewptF" from GFS, mapped differently on the globe. All you need enter is a formula such as "(TC*1.8 + 32.0) - DewptF" and the rest is automatic.

You may use the IDV and its computation features without knowing anything about VisAD. However, to do more, you will want to see the documents for visad.python.JPythonMethods in the VisAD API Documentation. In your web browser, in the upper left box in this page, scroll down to visad.python and click on it. In the lower left box click on JPythonMethods. For complete information about VisAD, see the VisAD web site.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Advanced Topics > Diagnostic Functions: Formulas and Jython