Table of contents Frames User guide

Using the Map Selector
This page summarizes use of the map selector that is available in some of the choosers.

Some of the choosers (e.g., Level III radar, profiler, RAOB) use a map of stations. You can zoom and see more stations with a rubber-band box made by dragging the left mouse button on the map. Also note the icons below the map to zoom and pan. Reading from left to right, the plus icon zooms in, the minus icon zooms out, the curving arrow restores the previous view, and the house icon restores the original view. The up arrow moves the view up (map down); the down arrows moves the view down (map up), the left arrow moves the view left (map right) and the right arrow moves the view right (map left).

The Declutter check box allows you to show all stations (not checked), or only a limited number of stations that do not overlap each other (checked). You may need to zoom in to see all the stations clearly separated. TIP: It can be helpful to zoom into an area where you want to select stations, before clicking on the station, to avoid the chance of getting a neighbor station by mistake.

The station map may support selecting either one station (e.g. for radar data) or multiple stations (e.g., for profiler data). Left clicking on a station will select it. If in multiple selection mode Shift-drag will select all stations within a region. Control-drag will add the stations in the selected region to the set of already selected stations. Pressing the Control-A key will select all stations. Right clicking in the map will bring up a menu that allows you to select all stations and to clear the selection.


Table of contents Frames User guide