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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > IDV and RAMADDA > Content Creation

6.3.2 HTML Page Templates
The HTML pages that RAMADDA generates are based on a template mechanism. Here is a list of RAMADDA Templates available from RAMADDA. See the User's Guide RAMADDA Template section for more information for packaging a template and instantiating a web page. In the section, we would like to specify a page template for two different situations: Specifying a Default Template
Specify a default template for your site. Go to the Admin→Users list and edit the anonymous user. Select the desired template from the list, click the "Change User" button and logout as admin. Check the changes of your site or login as admin and select another template. You can also specify the default template for the site via a property or property plugin. Please reference the User Guide at the RAMADDA Template for details. Specifying a Page Template
Specify a page template for the folder of the idvData entry or for a whole tree. Navigate back to Data and idvData folder, go to the Edit→Add Property menu and under "Thumbnails, Page Style, Etc." select Page Template. Select the page template you want to use. You can create new templates. If you want to have this apply to all entries under the folder then select inherit.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > IDV and RAMADDA > Content Creation