LDM-McIDAS Man Pages
- pnga2area -
decoder for PNG compressed MCIDAS and FNEXRAD imagery in AREA format
- pngg2gini -
decoder for PNG compressed FNEXRAD imagery in GINI format
- nldn2md -
decoder for NLDN lightning data
- proftomd -
decoder for FSL2 Wind profiler netCDF data
The following decoder use should be replaced by use of the Unidata McIDAS-X 7.8+ NEXRAD Level III
ADDE servers.
- lwtoa3 -
decoder for delta encoded McIDAS imagery data
- gunrv2 -
decoder for gridded McIDAS data
- cdftomd -
decoder for FSL Wind profiler netCDF data from Unidata-Wisconsin feed
- lwfile -
decoder for McIDAS 'LWFILE' data
- lwtmd2 -
decoder for McIDAS 'MD' data
Other Pertinent Documentation