Even though they can run "by hand", LDM-MCIDAS decoders are typically run as actions of the LDM's pqact utility.
Five decoders, pnga2area and pngg2gini, nldn2md, proftomd, and zlibg2gini, are used to decode PNG-compressed MCIDAS (Unidata-Wisconsin) and FNEXRAD imagery, NLDN lightning data from SUNY Albany, FSL2 Wind Profiler data, and Zlib-compressed NOAAPORT GINI imagery, respectively. Decoded imagery is usable in all Unidata supported application packages (i.e., GEMPAK, McIDAS, and IDV); non-imagery products are decoded into McIDAS-compatible formats.
Additional decoders included in the LDM-McIDAS distribution do not work on current datastream products, but continue to be included for sites that have archives of Unidata-Wisconsin products included in the IDD before July of 1999.
cdftomd, nids2area, gunrv2, lwfile, lwtmd2, and lwtoa3 decode FSL Wind Profiler, WSI NIDS, and pre-2000 Unidata-Wisconsin datastream products into McIDAS format data files. gunrv2, lwfile, and lwtmd2's use was obsoleted by the removal of GRID, TEXT, and MD files from the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream on July 1, 1999. lwtoa3's use was obsoleted by the switch to use of PNG-compressed images in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream in August of 2000. cdftomd's use was obsoleted by the introduction of proftomd. nids2area can still be run to create McIDAS AREA files from uncompressed WSI-format NIDS products, but it is recommended that sites receiving WSI NIDS or IDD NEXRAD Level III products use the McIDAS-X 7.8+ NEXRAD LEVEL III ADDE server to access these data files instead.
After the LDM-McIDAS decoders are installed, you need to configure your LDM pqact.conf file to run the LDM-McIDAS decoders that you want to use. Annotated example pqact.conf entries for the decoders can be found in LDM Pattern-Action File for LDM-MCIDAS Decoders. A stripped down version of this file suitable for inclusion in the LDM's pqact.conf file is available in ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf.all. To transfer this to your machine, hold down the Shift key while pressing mouse button 1 over the link.
The ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf.all entries were written assuming that you want to decode data into the following directories:
Application | Output Data Directory |
GEMPAK | ~ldm/data/gempak |
McIDAS | ~ldm/data/mcidas |
If you are using these same directory structures, configuring your LDM pqact.conf file should be as simple as copying the ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf.all entries you want to use into ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf, verifying the integrity of pqact.conf, and then sending a HUP signal to your LDM's pqact process (this assumes you are running reasonably current versions of the LDM; if you are not, please contact Unidata User Support for help).
Type the following:
cd ~ldm/etc
Edit pqact.conf and add entries from ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf.all. Then type:
ldmadmin pqactcheck
Correct any errors in pqact.conf, and then type:
ldmadmin pqactHUP
The information needed by the decoders is as follows:
Encoder/Decoder | McIDAS Information Files |
area2png | SATANNOT, SATBAND |
pnga2area | SATANNOT, SATBAND |
pngg2gini | none |
The information needed by the decoders is as follows:
Decoder | Schema | Schema Template File(s) |
cdftomd | WPRO | DCWPRO |
nldn2md | NLDN | DCNLDN |
proftomd | WPRO, WPR6 | DCWPRO, DCWPR6 |
In McIDAS, schema are registered in SCHEMA using the SCHE command and an appropriate schema template file. The McIDAS-X invocation examples will register the NLDN (NLDN), FSL hourly summary profiler (WRPO), and FSL 6-minute profiler schema (WPR6) in SCHEMA:
A copy of SCHEMA with appropriate entries for the output file types needs to be placed in the directory in which the LDM-McIDAS decoders create their output data files.
SCHEMA must be readable AND writable by the user running the LDM and LDM-MCIDAS decoders.
ROUTE.SYS must be readable AND writable by the user running the LDM and LDM-MCIDAS decoders.
SYSKEY.TAB must be readable and writable by the user running the LDM and LDM-MCIDAS decoders.