LDM Registry

The LDM system has a registry for configuration and runtime parameters that is similar to Java preferences, the Windows registry, or GNU GConf. The parameters of the registry and their values can be viewed by executing the command "regutil". Information on regutil can be obtained via the command "man regutil".

The parameters are

Parameter Pathname Parameter Description Default Value
/delete-info-files Whether or not to remove the files that track the last successfully-received data-products when starting the LDM. Zero means no; otherwise, yes. 0
/hostname The fully-qualified name of the LDM computer. The default is set by the configure(1) script. fv-az210-733
/insertion-check-interval The age threshold, in seconds, for the "ldmadmin check" command. The command will fail if the age of the youngest data-product in the product-queue is greater than this value. 300
/reconciliation-mode How the "ldmadmin vetqueuesize" command should reconcile the maximum acceptible latency configuration parameter with the observed minimum virtual residence time. One of "increase queue", "decrease maximum latency", or "do nothing". do nothing
/check-time/enabled Whether or not the command "ldmadmin check" should check the system clock for accuracy. Zero means no; non-zero means yes. 1
/check-time/limit The maximum amount, in seconds, that the system clock can be off and still be acceptable. 10
/check-time/warn-if-disabled Whether or not the command "ldmadmin check" should print a warning message if checking the system clock is disabled. Zero means no; non-zero means yes. 1
/check-time/ntpdate/command The pathname of the ntpdate utility for checking the system clock. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /usr/sbin/chronyd
/check-time/ntpdate/servers Time servers for the ntpdate utility. us.pool.ntp.org
/check-time/ntpdate/timeout Timeout, in seconds, for the ntpdate utility. 5
/log/count The number of LDM log files to keep around. 7
/log/file The pathname of the LDM log file. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/var/logs/ldmd.log
/log/rotate Whether or not the command "ldmadmin start" should start a new log file. Zero means no; non-zero means yes. 1
/metrics/count The number of LDM metrics files to keep around. 4
/metrics/file Pathname of the LDM metrics file. /tmp/ldm/var/logs/metrics.txt
/metrics/files Filename pattern for the metrics files to plot. /tmp/ldm/var/logs/metrics.txt*
/metrics/netstat-command The netstat command for obtaining performance metrics. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /usr/bin/netstat -A inet -t -n
/metrics/top-command The top command for obtaining performance metrics. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /usr/bin/top -b -n 1
/pqact/config-path The pathname of the default pqact(1) configuration-file. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/etc/pqact.conf
/pqact/datadir-path The pathname of the default pqact(1) working-directory. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/var/data
/pqsurf/config-path The pathname of the default pqsurf(1) configuration-file. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/etc/pqsurf.conf
/pqsurf/datadir-path The pathname of the default pqsurf(1) data-directory. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/var/data
/queue/path The pathname of the product-queue. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq
/queue/size The size of the product-queue in bytes. The suffixes K, M, and G may be used for multiplying by 1e3, 1e6, and 1e9, respectively. 500M
/queue/slots The capacity of the product-queue in terms of the maximum number of data-products that it can hold. Specified as a number or as the string default (in which case the number of slots is automatically computed based on an assumed mean size for the data-products). default
/scour/config-path The pathname of the scour(1) configuration-file. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/etc/scour.conf
/scour/exclude-path Pathname of file that lists directories to be ignored by scour(1). Default is set by configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/etc/scour_excludes.conf
/server/config-path The pathname of the LDM server configuration-file. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf
/server/ip-addr The IP address of the interface on which the LDM server should listen for incoming connections. An address of will cause the server to listen on all available interfaces.
/server/max-clients The maximum number of remotely-initiated connections the LDM server should allow before ignoring additional remotely-initiated connection attempts. 256
/server/max-latency The maximum acceptible data-product latency in seconds. Arriving data-products with greater latency will be discarded. This also defines the minimum virtual residence time for detecting duplicate data-products. 3600
/server/port The number of the port on which the LDM server should listen for incoming connections. 388
/server/time-offset A cold-started LDM server will request data from this many seconds ago. 3600
/server/enable-anti-DOS Whether or not to enable the anti-denial-of-service feature, which ensures non-overlapping feeds to each downstream host. TRUE
/surf-queue/path The pathname of the pqsurf(1) product-queue. The default is set by the configure(1) script. /tmp/ldm/var/queues/pqsurf.pq
/surf-queue/size The size of the pqsurf queue in bytes. The suffixes K, M, and G may be used for multiplying by 1e3, 1e6, and 1e9, respectively. 2M
/oess-pathname Pathname of the file containing OESS account information. /tmp/ldm/etc/OESS-account.yaml
/fmtp-retx-timeout FMTP retransmission timeout in seconds 300