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2 What is the LDM?
What is the LDM and is it right for you?

What is the LDM?

The LDM is a distributed software system for efficiently and reliably distributing arbitrary but finite-size data-products via the Internet. It provides mechanisms to inject, request, receive, relay, and locally process data-products. These mechanisms are event-driven, which means that things are done with the data-products as soon as possible.

See LDM Reference: LDM Data-Product for more information on data-products.

The LDM system also provides mechanisms for the local disposition of data-products -- typically by being processed on the host computer. See the Actions section in LDM Reference: pqact.conf for information on the types of things that can be done with a data product.

See LDM Reference: Runtime Structure of a Generic LDM System for a diagram and description of the structure of a generic LDM system.

What do I need to run the LDM?

The LDM was designed to run under the UNIX® operating system. As a consequence, it cannot, in general, run on a Windows® system.

Aside from that, the LDM system is designed to be fairly portable amongst the various flavors of UNIX®. The specifics can be seen at LDM Reference: LDM Platform requirements


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