Canadian Meteorological Center's Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Model

The CMC's operational Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model - regional configuration - is integrated twice daily based on data valid at 00Z and 12Z. For a general overview of our regional forecast system, please visit: GEM website.

Currently, 0-, 6-, 12-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 42-, and 48-hour forecasts of the following fields are available: (0-hour forecast is equivalent to the analysis)

The above fields have been interpolated onto a Polar-Stereographic grid of 135 x 94 points and horizontal resolution equal to 60 km at 60 degrees N, centered over North America.

The data has been encoded in the WMO's GRIB format.

The data set contains 2 x 432 products per day with total volume of 17 Mb; one field per product except for the x-, y- wind components at a certain level which are grouped together. The feed type is CMC and is normally available in the LDM queue by 04Z (16Z) for the model run based on observations valid at 00Z (12Z) on the same day.

Usage guidelines

he data is provided for educational and research purposes as per the Unidata participation policy.

Re-distribution of the data, as they are or after processing, for other uses needs to be discussed and coordinated with the CMC. Users of the data need to be members of the Unidata community and have the LDM software up and running.

Requests to receive this new data feed need to be made to Unidata who will relay this to CMC. Contact:

Information on the content of this data feed or any general questions about CMC can be addressed to:

Richard Hogue
Chief, Implementation and Operational Services Division
Canadian Meteorological Center, 514-421-4662