pqutil - utility program for the LDM product queue


pqutil [-l logdest] [-v] [-x] [-c] [-n] [-a align] [-p] [-s initalsz] [-S nproducts] [-r] [-P] [-L] [-F] [-M] [-C] [-w] [pq_file]


This is an interactive program that provides an interface to the LDM product queue. It may be used to create a queue, examine the contents of a queue, insert products into the queue and monitor products as they are received by the queue. Unless otherwise noted, once the program has been started it prompts for commands (and optional modifiers). Typing help at the command prompt will cause an abbreviated help screen to be displayed.

If the path name of the product queue is not specified on the command-line, then the default is the output of the command "regutil /queue/path".


−l logdest

Log to dest. One of ’’ (system logging daemon), ’-’ (standard error stream), or file logdest. Default is the standard error stream if the process has a controlling terminal (i.e., the process isn’t a daemon); otherwise, either the LDM log file or the system logging daemon (execute this program with just the option ’-?’ to determine which).


Verbose logging.


Debugging information is also emitted.


Create the product queue. Clobber the old queue if it exists.


Create the product queue. Exit with an error condition if the queue already exists.

−a align

Align (round up) queue space allocations to align boundaries.


Align (round up) queue space allocations to the system pagesize.

−s initialsz

Allocate the data section of the queue to be intialsz size.

−S nproducts

Allocate initial index space for nproduct products.


Open the queue as read only.


Open the queue as private (PQ_PRIVATE).


Open the queue with no locking (PQ_NOLOCK).


Open the queue as a fixed size (PQ_NOGROW).


Open the queue without using mmap() (PQ_NOMAP).


Clear the minimum virtual residence time in the product queue and then exit. The virtual residence time of a data-product is the time that the product was removed from the queue minus the time that the product was created. The minimum virtual residence time is the minimum of the virtual residence times over all applicable products.


Tells pqutil to run the watch command. When the watch command is terminated, pqutil will exit.


set option value

Set the specified option to the specified value.

show option

Show the value of the specified option.

read filename

Read a product from the file specified by filename. Use a - to specify standard input (STDIN).

new product size

Set up pqutil to write a multi-part product of product size size. Size is in bytes.

put filename

Enter a piece of the product started with the new command, reading the piece form the file specified by filename. Use a - to specify standard input (STDIN).


Write the product entered using the new and put commands to the product queue.


Discard a partially created product (created with the new and put commands).

display filename

Display products in the queue that match the product class parameters, writing the products to the file specified by filename. Use a - to specifiy standard input (STDIN).


Monitor products as they enter the queue. This command modifies the to and from times in the product class, as well as the cursor time. This can also be run by using the -w switch when starting pqutil.

delete totime

Delete products in the queue older than totime time, where totime is one of [0|NOW|EOT|yyyymmddhhmm].


Write queue usage statistics to the log (STDERR by default).


Exit the pqutil utility.



Sets the product class feedtype. Can be any valid LDM feedtype or feedtype expression. (Default is ANY)


Set the product class pattern. Can be any valid regular expression. (Default is .*)


Set the queue cursor time. Can be one of 0 (beginning of time), NOW (current time), EOT (end of time), or a time specified in the form yyyymmddhhmm (e.g. 199510241330). (default is NOW)


Sets the cursor direction. Can be one of LT (move backwards), EQ (equals current cursor time, GT (move forward). (Default is GT)


Set the product class to time. Can be one of 0 (beginning of time), NOW (current time), EOT (end of time), or a time specified in the form yyyymmddhhmm (e.g. 199510241330). (Default is EOT)


Set the product class from time. Can be one of 0 (beginning of time), NOW (current time), EOT (end of time), or a time specified in the form yyyymmddhhmm (e.g. 199510241330). (Default is 0)


Set the arrival time in the product information structure. Can be one of 0 (beginning of time), NOW (current time), EOT (end of time), or a time specified in the form yyyymmddhhmm (e.g. 199510241330). (Default is NOW)


Set the product feedtype in the product information structure. Can be any valid LDM feedtype or feedtype expression. (Default is EXP)


Set the sequence number in the product information structure. Can be any positive integrer. (Default is set at 1 and incremented whenever a product is inserted into the queue)


Set the originating hostname in the product information structure. Can be any valid hostname. (Default is the localhost name)


Set the product ID in the product information structure. (Default is TEST PRODUCT)


ldmd(1), pq(3), WWW URL http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/ldm/.


If you have problems with this program, then you should first examine the LDM email archive for similar problems and how they were solved. The email archive is available via the following World Wide Web URL:


If this does not suffice and your site is a member of the Unidata program, then send an inquiry via email -- together will all relevant information to
