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Unidata McIDAS Learning Guide - Introduction

This Learning Guide introduces you to McIDAS and teaches you the basic tools and concepts needed to use the system. The Learning Guide assumes you know meteorology, but you do not need to know McIDAS.

The Guide consists of twelve lessons that build upon one another:

This Guide was originally developed at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The original version was modified for Unidata specific functions and put into HTML format It is applicable for users running Unidata McIDAS-X.

To complete the lessons in this Learning Guide, you will access the data for the "Storm of the Century" that affected the East Coast of the United States on March 12-13, 1993, from Unidata's remote ADDE server. If you would like to install the dataset on your own ADDE server, see the Dataset Installation document for information on downloading, installing and accessing this dataset.

NOTE: McIDAS is copyrighted software. Please review: McIDAS Copyright for the copyright statement, rights of use, and additional trademark information.

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