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Graphical planetary position plotting utility.


CIRCLE <keywords>


ANGle =ang1...angN angle(s) at which a radial line is drawn from the center of the circle to the circle bounds (default=no angles drawn)
  =com1...comN compass direction(s) at which radial lines are drawn from the circle center
  COMPASS compass direction (N, WNW, NE ...) are drawn for the specifed ARC
ARC= begang endang arc beginning and ending angles (default=0 360)
  begcom endcom arc beginning and ending compass direction
DAY= bday-edayBdinc day range for time based options (def=today )
DEF= defaultname context file parameter default set name (see remaarks)
FILe= input text file used to input station id(s) for center location; see remarks for valid text file formats
OFF=   turn toggles OFF; see remarks for list of valid toggles
ON=   turn toggles ON; see remarks for list of valid toggles
PLAnet= name name of planet (def=EARTH)
TIMe= btime-etime/tinc time range for time based options (def=now)
UNIt= hor ver units of horizontal and vertical distance (def=NMI FT)
VECt= spd[unit]@dir translation vector speed and bearing (def=no vector)

Location Keywords

DBFrom= ...idN plot distance and bearing FROM listed ids
DBTo= ...idN plot distance and bearing TO listed ids
DIAmeter= ... diaN

diameter around specified location (def=100); range format entries are valid

HEIght= ...hgtN

height above the surface of the planet (def=0)

NAMe= ...namN user entered names for location center point
LATlon= ...latN lonN latitude/longitude pair(s) used as center location of circle
  =CUR | latitude/longitude of the cursor center point on the current frame (def)
OVEct= ...vectN

Offset Vector; used to define distance and bearing from a known location (def=no offset)

RADius= ...radN

|radial distance from specified location (def=0[NMI]); range format entries are valid

STAtion= ...idN

station id(s) used as center location of circle

TOWn= ...'townN'

town(s) used as location center point; see Remarks for format info


Graphics Keywords

COLor= col1...colN location base color; 0 is not allowed (default=2)
DAShset= dlen gcolor glen

graphic dashing controls
dlen = dash line length (default=current)
gcol = dash gap color (default=current)
glen = dash gap length (default=current)

DSH= dsh1...dshN location base dashing mode; see remarks
  ON dashing
  OFF no dashing (def)
FILl= typ col inc ang

fill the interior of an arc

typ Solid, Hatch or Dither (def=none)
col color of the fill (def=arc color)
inc Hatch/Dither increment (def=4)
ang Hatch pattern angle (def = 0 degrees)


GRA= gra1...graN graphic frame(s) (default=current)
NAV= ...imaN image frame(s) used for navigation (def=current)
WIDth= width of graphic lines (default=current)


Attribute Keywords

ANGLE Attributes:

ACOL= col1...colN angle color (default=COLOR)
ADIS= begdis enddis draw radial line from each location starting at beg distance from center to end distance from center (default=0 max_radii)
ALAB= dis col siz inc angle labels
  dis label distance (default=80% of max radius)
  col label color (default=4)
  siz label size (default=6)
  inc label increment (default=1)
ATIC= dis col siz inc typ angle tick marks
  dis tick mark distance (default=max radius)
  col tick mark color (default=COLOR)
  siz tick mark size (default=5)
  inc tick mark increment (default=10 DEG)
  typ tick mark type Angle or Compass (def=A)

DISTANCE Attributes:

DCOL= col1...colN distance color; 0 is allowed (default=COLOR)
DDSH= dsh1...dshN distance dash mode (default=OFF)
DLAB= ang col siz inc distance labels
  ang label angle (default=begang)
  col label color (default=3)
  siz label size (default=6)
  inc label increment (default=1)
DTIC= dis col siz inc

distance tick marks


  dis tick mark distance interval (def=10)
  col tick mark color (def=COLOR)
  siz tick mark size (def=3)
  inc tick mark angle increment (90 DEG)

HEIGHT Attributes:

HCOL= ...colN height color; 0 is allowed (def=COLOR)
SHADOW= col surface shadow color (def=0 [no shadow])


OFFset VECTor Attributes (OVECT):

dis col siz for offset labels
  dis label distance (default=50% of range)
  col label color (default=7)
  siz label size (default=6)

label format mask (def=YYN)

pos 1 draw radial from center point
pos 2 label the center point location
pos 3 label the distance and angle


Translation VECTor Attributes (VECT): only if direction is specified

VCOL= vector color (def=3)
VLAB= ang col siz inc vector labels
  ang label angle (def=vector angle)
  col label color (def=3)
  siz label size (def=6)
  inc label increment (def=1)
SCALE= scaling factor applied to vector/flag length (def=10)
VTYPE =VECT arrow vector
  =FLAG meteorological wind flag
  =BOTH both VECT and FLAG (def)
VVAR= var bearing variance +/- of the translation vector (def=5DEG)


TIME Attributes:

TLAB= ang dis col siz |time labels
  ang label angle (def=160.0)
  dis label distance (def=110% of range)
  col label color (def=3)
  siz label size (def=6)
TFORM= format format of time label (def=DDMON HH:MM[GMT])



NOTE: All transformations of distance-bearing to/from latitude-longitude do NOT include the eccentricity of of the planet (ie, the planet is assumed to be a perfect sphere).

If no location is specified, CIRCLE will query the user to position the cursor and depress the mouse buttons to mark the location(s) before generating the display.

TOWN format:

TOWN='town(county),state(country)' where:

town name of the town to locate (def=none)
county US county in which the town is located (optional)
state state in which the town is located (def=none)
country country in which the town is located (def=US)

Mazomanie and Lone Rock (Richland county), Wisconsin

Vector format:


type vector type (OVECT or VECT)
mag magnitude of vector (distance or speed)
[units] optional magnitude units (distance or speed)
bear bearing of vector (0-360 or compass direction)

10 nautical miles from Madison, WI at 230 degrees and,
20 nautical miles North North West of Madison, WI

ANGLE, DIAMETER, RADIUS, NAV, HEIGHT may be specified using either a list of values or as a range. The format of a range entry is: beg-endBinc, where beg is the beginning value of the range, end is the ending value in the range and inc is the increment value for the range.

HEIGHT keyword is only valid for projections that support paralax correction.

COLOR and GRA keyword values may be entered using the range format: num*val, where num is the number of times the val is to be repeated for the keyword.

If the ARC keyword is specified, the ANGLES for the begang and endang are automatically defined and drawn. ARC and ANGLE values are degrees from North (0 and 360 are synomous for North).

ARC and ANGLE values are degrees from North (0 and 360 are synomous for North).

DCOL overrides the COLOR keyword. COLOR defines the default color for a given location (STATION, LATLON) and DCOL defines the color of each RADIUS/DIAMETER for a given location. If 'X' is specified for a DCOL value, the COLOR of the RADIUS/DIAMETER will be the default color.

DDSH overrides the DSH keyword. DSH defines the default dash state for all the circles drawn at a given location. DDSH controls the dashing for each circle at a given location.

CIRCLE understands the following text FILE format(s):

- output from MSL command using "DEV=T name" keyword
- output from FIND command using "DEV=T name" keyword
- output from TOWNS command using "DEV=T name" keyword
- records with STATION or/and LATLON keywords

Valid COMPASS directions are:

N = north (0 and 360 deg) S = south (180 deg)
NNE = north northeast (22.5 deg) SSW = south southwest (202.5 deg)
NE = northeast (45 deg) SW = southwest (225 deg)
ENE = east northeast (67.5 deg) WSW = west southwest (247.5 deg)
E = east (90 deg) W = west (270 deg)
ESE = east southeast (112.5 deg) WNW = west northwest (292.5 deg)
SE = southeast (135 deg) NW = northwest (315 deg)
SSE = south southeast (157.5 deg) NNW = north northwest (337.5 deg)

Valid TOGGLES are:

A = angle labels (def = *)

D = distance labels (def=ON)

G = Lat/lon grid (def=OFF)

M = overplot mask def=ON)
N = day/nite (def=OFF) O = offset labels (def = ON)
T = time labels (def=*) V = draw speed vector (def=ON)
C = compass direction (def=OFF) R = radial time labels (def=ON)

* defaults vary depending on specified keyword combinations

DEF keyword permits user defined defaults for many of the program keywords from the context file CIRCLE.DEF. Entries in the context file link groups of keyword settings to specific names. Standardized formats, involving complex keyword combinations, can be predefined and reproduced.

Use the DEF keyword permits user defined defaults for many of the program keywords from the context file CIRCLE.DEF. Entries in the context file link groups of keyword settings to specific names. Standardized formats, involving complex keyword combinations, can be predefined and reproduced.

Use the VECT keyword to specify the speed and direction of an object.
- Speed units default to knots unless specified by the user.
- Direction can be specified as either degrees or compass heading.
- For spd > 0 and dir = 0: signifies ALL directions at speed.
- RADius/DIAmeter can be specified in UNITs of time (SEC, MIN, HOUR or DAY) as well as distance.
- Var is the directional variance of the flow +/- of the vector direction (e.g. VECT= 30 90 5 -> flow towards 90DEG at 30KTS +/- 5DEG)

NAME=*wxsym to plot a weather symbol at a location. The * indicates that the following text is the common (SAO) name of a weather event (e.g. R for rain). For example: NAME=*TORNADO plots a tornado symbol at the specified location.

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