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Overlay image data onto a base image. (Command being sunset)


IMGOLAY sdataset ddataset olaydataset(s) <keywords>


sdataset source (base) image dataset
ddataset destination dataset
olaydataset(s) sequence of overlay datasets


Base Image Selection Keywords
BAND= band value for multiband source data (def=4)
DAY= selects from sdataset images with the specified day
LATlon= lat lon latitude and longitude in the sdataset to use as reference for data used in output image. The PLACE keyword determines the origin (default CENTER).
LINele= line ele sys line and element numbers of the sdataset to use as reference for data used in output image. The PLACE keyword determines the origin (default ULEFT). sys is F (File) or I (image co-ords) (def. F).
RTIme= selects from sdataset images within the specified range of minutes in the current hour; overrides the TIME keyword.
TIMe= selects from sdataset images within the specified time range
STAtion= station ID, e.g., MSN, YSSY, 72201 to place at the frame location specified in the PLACE keyword
MAG= lmag emag scale factors for line and element blowup (def. 1 1) Negative values reduce image resolution. Adjust SIZE based on the MAG values to get the correct image size.
Overlay Keywords
INT=time rel Maximum allowable time difference between Overlay and Base if explicit overlay position not specified. Format HH HH:MM HH:MM:SS. Specify 0 to allow infinite time difference (default=1 hour) rel relation of interval to time. 'C' centred, 'L' less than 'M' more than. (def='C')
OBANd= band value for multiband overlay data (def=4)
RANge=a[[:/,]b[[,/:]c]] Defines how overlay values are mapped to dest ':' range of values mapped to one dest value ',' range of values to successive dest values '/' skip to this value values should be increasing. (def=1,nlevels-1 for RADAR)
UNIT= desired unit for overlay data. Requires a RANGE to be specified. If overlay is radar data the default is RAW, otherwise BRIT
Other Keywords
SCRatch= scratch area to use. Default is to use A/A.8001


Each of the overlay datasets is processed in turn and its data replaces the base data at that point. The existing base image navigation is used.

The overlay data is put into the resulting dataset as (255-overlay) values. That is the weakest (non-zero) overlay reflectivity has BRIT 254.

Use an enhancement table of your choice to show these levels.


IMGOLAY RTIMAGES/GE-IR MYDATA/IMAGES.1234 NEXRCOMP/1KN0R-NAT UNIT=BRIT RAN='3:85,86:96,97:107,108:119,120:130,131:141,142:153,154:164,165:175,176:187, 188:198,199:209,210:221,222:232,233:243,244:255' INT=0 LAT=35 120 SIZE=400 400


This produces an AREA (AREA0003) combining the satellite and RADAR data which is then displayed. It is equivalent to the above FRMOLAY but is more blocky because of the magnification factors involved.

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