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Creates Derived Product Image from MD and AREA files.


MDDPI sdataset ddataset <keywords>


sdataset   source ADDE dataset name and position; specify as alias.position or group/descriptor.position; to use default position, either enter "0" or omit .position portion (no def for alias or group/descriptor, def=0 for position)
ddataset   destination ADDE dataset name and position; specify as alias.position or group/descriptor.position; only positive integers (absolute positions) or the default are valid for the position number; to use the default position, omit the .position portion (no def for alias or group/descriptor, for position def=the position following the most recent image)


Image Positioning Keywords

LATLON= lat lon latitude and longitude of sdataset image to place at ddataset image location specified in PLACE keyword
  CENTER places center of sdataset image at the ddataset image location specified in the PLACE keyword
LINELE= line ele sys line and element numbers and coordinate system (F or I for file and image, respectively) of the sdataset image to place at the ddataset image location specified in the PLACE keyword (line def=0, ele def=line, sys def=F)
  CENTER places center of sdataset image at the ddataset image location specified in the PLACE keyword
PLACE= ULEFT|CENTER location in the ddataset image to place the point specified in LATLON, STATION or LINELE keyword; (def=ULEFT when LINELE is used, def=CENTER when LATLON or STATION is used)
STATION=   station ID, e.g., MSN, YSSY, 72201 to place at the ddataset image location specified in PLACE keyword

Image Selection Keywords

DAY=   selects the most recent sdataset image from the specified day (def=most recent image)
RTIME= bmin emin selects the most recent sdataset image in the specified range of minutes in the current hour; overrides the TIME keyword (def=most recent image)
TIME= btime etime selects the most recent sdataset image in the specified time range (def=most recent image)
  btime etime C copies all POES data for the specified time range; this C (coverage) option is valid only with real-time POES data on an SDI server and cannot be used with LATLON, LINELE, PLACE, STATION or SIZE keywords

Data Selection Keywords

MDF=   ADDE name for location of source MD file
PARameter=   parameter name to extract from MD file

Search Keywords

SELect= 'clause1;...;clauseN' selects only data matching the values specified in the select clauses, which can be in either of these formats:

RANGE FORMAT:  parameter[unit] bval eval
LIST FORMAT:   parameter[unit] val1,val2,..,valN
any number of select clauses can be specified as long as each clause is separated by semicolons and there is a single quote before the first clause and after the last clause; units are optional but must be in square brackets if specified (no def for parameters; unit def=from point file)


SELECT='T[F] 50 60 ; ST MN,IA,IL,WI ; TD[C] -2,-3,-4'
This keyword is passed as is to PTDUMP, a modified version of PTCON.

Output Keywords

BAND= band image band number to copy (def=existing band if image is single-band; no def if image is multi-band)
  ALL copies all bands; not valid with STYPE=VISR; MDDPI forces STYPE=VISR
BUG= 0-9 increasing levels of debugging information (default=0 [none])
DOC= YES include the image documentation when copying the sdataset image data (def=NO)
GAUGE= gauge outputs text messages that indicate the percentage of the copy that has been completed; specify as a percentage between 0 and 50; for example, if GAUGE=20, text messages are output when the copy is 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% complete
MAG= lmag emag line and element magnification of the data (lmag def=1, emag def=lmag)
MAX= max user defined maximum data value (default=max value in MD file)
MIN= min user defined minimum data value (default=min value in MD file)
RETSIZE= retsiz size of side of retrieval box in kilometers. (default=30)
SIZE= line elem number of lines and elements of the sdataset image to copy (def=480 640 unless using POES data and specifying C option in TIME keyword; see TIME keyword)
  ALL copies entire sdataset image including all bands and documentation; if sdataset image has multiple bands with different sizes and resolutions (e.g., Stretched Data Format files on SDI servers), all bands are copied at the lowest resolution and smallest size; the only other keywords valid with SIZE=ALL are DAY, RTIME, TIME, ALL, REPEAT and CYCLE
  SAME retains the original sdataset image size; can be used to copy a single band from a multi-band image
STYPE= VISR reduces 2-byte data to 1-byte brightness data; not valid with BAND=ALL or SIZE=ALL. MDDPI forces STYPE=VISR.
USEline=   set to non-zero to center box using central line and element as stored in MD file. LOCation defines the MD key names used.
LOCation=   MD file key names to use for box location when using the central line/element of the box instead of LAT and LON. Defaults to "LIN ELE" though not all schemas have them. Should be entered as "KEY1 KEY2", vertical first, horizontal second.

Multiple Copy Keywords

ALL= YES copies multiple sdataset images into ddataset; see the McIDAS Users Guide for details (def=NO)
REPEAT= num copies num number of sdataset images to ddataset; see the McIDAS Users Guide for details (def=1)

Loop Maintenance Keywords

CYCLE= inc updates ddataset by copying image specified in the sdataset parameter to the ddataset position determined by formula:
see the McIDAS Users Guide for details (def=1:00, meaning a 1-hour increment)


By default, the upper-left 480 lines and 640 elements of the sdataset image are copied to the specified position in ddataset. Keywords LATLON, LINELE, STATION and PLACE are used to specify a different location on the sdataset and/or ddataset image. Keyword SIZE is used to specify a different line and element size, and keyword MAG is used to blowup or blowdown the image.


The plotted boxes are always squares, and as such they may not line up with the lines and elements of the original area if the original area has been displayed in a new projection.

Common usage


produces a 'pseudo'-DPI from parameter T contained in MD file 1600. Parameter values are scaled such that the maximum value is 350 and the minimum value is 100. Background image is band 8 from AREA file 500.

Any MD file parameter can be plotted on any area, as long as the MD file contains location keywords (LAT and LON by default) and the parameter in question. If lines and elements are used to center boxes, one should use the same AREA file from which the data was derived in order to preserve the actual locations. For example, sounder lines and elements do not correspond to imager lines and elements.

The MAG keyword works as it would in IMGCOPY, allowing the horizontal scale of GOES-8, 9, 10 (and so on) Imager AREAS to be shrunk using MAG=1 -2. Data derived from the GOES Sounder may be plotted on a GOES Imager AREA file - box sizes will be maintained correctly as long as MAG=1 -2 (or a multiple thereof) is used.

MDDPI output can be calibrated using PRDUTIL. An example from a batch file for calibrating an ozone 'pseudo'-DPI:

PRDUTIL ADD %1 1 PROD 100 500 2 201  DB 1 99999
PRDUTIL ADD %1 2 OZONE 100 500 2 201  DB 1 99999
PRDUTIL ADD %1 3 CLDT 301 193 202 254 degK 1 99999
Plotted parameter values are scaled to correspond to values 2-201. The background image is scaled to values 202-254.

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