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NORTEL imagery and update ROUTEing and System Key tables (Command being sunset)


NORTMAPR stdarea source scratch pcode band output virt <keywords>


stdarea AREA number containing the "standard" navigation (no default)
source source area containing image data (no default)
scratch scratch AREA number (no default)
pcode Product ROUTEing code for ROUTE. strong>SYS lookup (default=NONE)
band Image data type (IR, VIS, MDR, NIDS, NOW) (default=IR)
outarea Output AREA file (default=next entry in ROUTE.SYS using pcode. Otherwise, no default)
virt VIRT file number containing map to burn in stdarea (optional)


MAPAREA=num scratch AREA for creating background with map (default=9980) (only needed if virt parameter is specified)


NORTMAPR may be run for products not specified in the routing table,
The user has to specify the type of the image and output AREA number to do this.


NORTMAPR 9017 131 9989 NONE IR 2001

NORTMAPR 9017 131 9989 N3 NONE 0 9017

NORTMAPR 9017 131 9989 NONE IR 2001 9017

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