To get McIDAS-X upgrades from the Unidata McIDAS Web site, complete the steps listed below.
The McIDAS-X 2022 package consists of the files listed in the following table.
File Name | Description |
WHATSNEW.2022 | upgrade information file |
mcunpack | shell script that creates the installation directory structure and unpacks the distribution into the package build directories | | shell script that sets up system files needed by the ADDE remote server |
mcidasx2022.tar.gz | compressed tar file containing the source and data files |
0. Contact Unidata McIDAS Support to obtain the necessary credentials to download Unidata McIDAS-X.
1. Using the credentials provided, use your web browser to download the files listed in the table above.
2. Log on to the McIDAS-X workstation as user mcidas and move the downloaded files to the HOME directory of the user mcidas.
3. List the files and check the ownership. If the McIDAS-X files are owned by user mcidas, skip steps 4-6.
Type: ls -l ~mcidas
4. Change the ownership to user mcidas, if needed. You must have root permission to do this. Switch to user root.
Type: su root
5. Change to the ~mcidas directory.
Type: cd ~mcidas
6. Run the command below for each of the downloaded McIDAS-X files.
Type: chown mcidas file
7. Change the mode of mcunpack to be executable.
Type: chmod +x mcunpack