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Displays 2-dimensional path for object tracking.


PATH ADD name CUR <keywords>

PATH ADD name index CUR <keywords>

PATH ADD name index FILE <keywords>

PATH ADD name index station <keywords> "label

PATH ADD name index lat lon <keywords> "label

PATH DEL name CUR <keywords>

PATH DEL name index CUR <keywords>

PATH DEL name index1 index2 ... indexn <FILE=>

PATH DIR <keywords>

PATH EDIT name index <keywords> "label



PATH PLOT name <keywords>



ADD adds a segment to a path
CUR interactively use cursor to add or delete a path point
DEL deletes a path segment
DIR lists the directory of paths; includes path name, user initials and date created (def)
EDIT edits a latitude, longitude or path label
FILE adds path points from an LW file; the file must have the same name as the path
LIST lists the contents of a path; includes indices, latitudes, longitudes and labels
MAKE generates a path
PLOT plots the path on the graphics frame
QUIT deletes a path
index number assigned to a point on the path; points are numbered sequentially beginning with 1
lat latitude of the point
lon longitude of the point
name path name, 1 to 12 characters
station 3- or 4- character station ID used as a point on path
"label label plotted at the latitude and longitude of the point, 1 to 20 characters


COLOR= graphics color level of the path (default=2)
FILE= source file of the path (default=PATHFIND)
LABEL=YES plots labels on the path (default=NO)
LAT= latitude for the point; valid with EDIT option only
LCOLOR= graphics color level for labels (default=3)
LINE=NO draws a line between points (def=YES)
LON= longitude for the point; valid with EDIT option only
LSIZE= label height in pixels (default=6)
NUM= number of entries to list, starting at top; valid with DIR option only (default=all entries)
USER= user initials of owner, or ALL to list paths for all owners; valid with DIR option only (default=current)

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