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Routing table utility. (Command being sunset)



ROUTE ADD product1 type beg end file <keywords> "text

ROUTE DEL product1...productn

ROUTE LIST product1...productn

ROUTE REL product1...productn

ROUTE SUS product1...productn



INIT initializes a routing table
ADD adds an entry to capture area, MD, grid or text data
DEL deletes routing table entries
LIST lists routing table entries (default)
REL releases routing table entries; begins capturing product
SUS suspends routing table entries; stops capturing product
product1...n product code or first letter of the product code; you must use a 2-letter code with the ADD option, as a single-letter code will match all product codes starting with that letter
AREA captures area data
MD captures MD data
GRID captures grid data
TEXT captures text data
beg beginning area, MD, grid or text file extension cylinder number to store the captured data
end ending area, MD, grid or text file extension cylinder number to store the captured data
file file name to store captured data; use only with the TEXT option
"text text describing the data


CC= decoder condition code; the range is 1 to 7; if the condition code is met, ROUTE increments the cylinder pointer and runs the attached post process batch file unless otherwise specified (see keyword PP=)
  1 decoder ended normally (default)
  2 partial failure during decoding
  3 either 1 or 2 above
  4 total failure (nothing decoded)
  5 either 1 or 4 above
  6 either 2 or 4 above
  7 all conditions
FORM= ALL lists an expanded form of the product entry; use with the LIST option
PP= file xcute runs a post process batch file
file name of the batch file; 1 to 12 characters
xcute YES runs the batch file based on the condition code (default)
  NO runs the batch file independently of the condition code
SYS= bword eword cword   sets the cylinder bounds in the SYSKEY table
bword word storing the beginning cylinder number
eword word storing the ending cylinder number
cword word storing the current cylinder number


ROUTE is primarily used by UNIDATA sites for routing UNIDATA broadcast products as they are ingested into the workstation..

The INIT option initializes and creates the product file. You must run it before adding any entries to the routing table. To receive a current list of UNIDATA product codes, contact Unidata McIDAS Support.

A single letter may be entered for the DEL, LIST, REL and SUS options to match all products beginning with the letter. For example, ROUTE LIST U lists all entries with product codes beginning with the letter U.

When using the ADD option with type TEXT, the beg and end numbers are used to create a three-digit extension for the text file name. For example, if beg=1, end=3, and file=TEMPS, the first time the product is decoded, the text file name is TEMPS.001. The second time it is decoded the file name is TEMPS.002. The third time it is TEMPS.003, the fourth time it is TEMPS.001 again, etc.

When running the post process batch file, ROUTE passes the values shown below to the batch file for internal use. Whenever the notation %1, %2, %3, %4, or %5 appears in the batch file, ROUTE substitutes the corresponding value.

Notation Corresponding value
%1 product code
%2 area, grid, or MD file number or TEXT file name
%3 Julian day the product was prepared
%4 time the product was prepared
%5 decoder condition code

The decoder condition code (%5) passes one of the following codes to the batch file.

Code Description
1 decoding ended normally
1 partial failure during decoding
2 total failure (nothing decoded)

See Also

Command BATCH runs a McIDAS-X command serially.



This entry lists all routing table entries.


This entry initializes the routing table.

ROUTE ADD U3 AREA 400 405 "MDR Radar Areas

This entry routes the UNIDATA MDR radar areas with the product code U3 to areas 400 to 405 on the workstation, adding the description "MDR Radar Areas" to the entry listing.

ROUTE ADD RM MD 20 29 "Upper-Air - Mandatory Levels

This entry routes the UNIDATA mandatory upper-air MD files with the product code RM to MD files 20 to 29 on the workstation.

ROUTE ADD AA AREA 100 110 PP=REDO.BAT NO CC=4 "GOES Infrared Images

This entry routes area data with product code AA to areas 100 to 110 on the workstation. The cylinder pointer is incremented and the post process batch file REDO.BAT is run only if the decode process fails.

ROUTE ADD AA AREA 100 110 PP=REDO.BAT NO CC=4 "GOES Infrared Images

This entry is the same as the one above, except the post process batch file REDO.BAT is run independently of the decode process. The cylinder pointer is incremented only if the decode process fails.

ROUTE ADD SF MD 10 20 SYS=5000 5001 5002 "Real-time SFC data

This entry routes MD file data with product code SF to MD files 10 to 20 on the workstation. After decoding the product, SYSKEY word 5000 contains the beginning cylinder value (10), SYSKEY word 5001 contains the ending cylinder number (20), and SYSKEY word 5002 contains the current cylinder number.


This entry deletes from the routing table the entry that captures product code U3.


This entry deletes from the routing table all entries that capture product codes beginning with the letter U.


This entry lists the expanded form of the routing entry for product AB. All currently defined words within the data structure are listed.


This entry lists all entries that capture product codes beginning with the letter R.


This entry suspends the entry in the routing table that captures product code U3.


This entry suspends the entries in the routing table that capture product codes U3 and RM.


This entry releases all entries in the routing table that capture product codes beginning with the letter M.

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