McIDAS-X contains ADDE servers for a variety of data that is stored in non-McIDAS formats:
These servers, giniadir, giniaget, nexradir, nexraget, nowradir, and nowraget, provide users with direct access to the GINI, NEXRAD, and NOWrad (both Lambert Conformal and 5-minute Rectilinear), in their native formats. Decoding into McIDAS AREA format is not necessary.
The design of these servers allows us to break away from the restrictive naming convention inherent in AREA files. Data may be filed using whatever name a site likes and in whatever directory structure that is convenient as long as two simple rules are followed:
What this means is that files of a similar type (e.g., the NOWrad 8 km national composites are one type; the NOWrad 2 km national composites are another type; the Nexrad Level III Base Reflectivity at Tilt 1 (N0R) products are another type; GINI GOES-East 1 km VIS images are another; etc.) must reside in a single subdirectory, or in subdirectories on the same level from a single toplevel directory.
As an example, the following table illustrates how NOAAPORT NEXRAD, UPC-generated NEXRCOMP, WSI NIDS and NOWrad, and GINI imagery are currently organized at the UPC.
Data type | Directory Location |
NOAAPORT zlib-Compressed NEXRAD Level III Products |
N0R - Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/N0R |
NCR - Composite Reflectivity | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/NCR |
N0V - Radial Velocity Tilt 1 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/N0V |
N0S - Storm Relative Radial Velocity Tilt 1 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/N0S |
NPR - Storm Total Precipitation | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/NTP |
NVL - Vertically Integrated Liquid Water | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/id/NVL |
etc. |
(more NEXRAD Level III image products may be added to NOAAPORT by the NWS in the future) |
UPC-generated NEXRAD Composite Products |
1KN0R-NAT - 1 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/1KN0R-NAT |
6KN0R-NAT - 6 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/6KN0R-NAT |
2KN1P-NAT - 2 km 1-hour Precipitation National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/2KN1P-NAT |
4KNTP-NAT - 4 km Storm Total Precipitation National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT |
10KRCM-NAT - 10 km Radar Coded Message National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/10KRCM-NAT |
1KN0R-FLT - 1 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 Regional Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NEXRCOMP/1KN0R-FLT |
WSI NIDS Products |
BREF1 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/WSINIDS/id/BREF1 |
BREF2 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 2 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/WSINIDS/id/BREF2 |
BREF3 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 3 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/WSINIDS/id/BREF3 |
BREF4 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 4 | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/WSINIDS/id/BREF4 |
etc. |
WSI NOWrad Images |
8KM - NOWrad 8 km National Composite | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/USRAD/8km/NOW |
2KM - NOWrad 2 km Master Sector | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/USRAD/2km/NOW |
GE1KVIS - GINI GOES-East 1 km 0.65 um (visible) | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/sat/EAST-CONUS/1km/VIS |
GE4K39 - GINI GOES-East 4 km 3.9 um (infrared) | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/sat/EAST-CONUS/4km/3.9 |
GE4KWV - GINI GOES-East 4 km 6.5 um (water vapor) | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/sat/EAST-CONUS/4km/6.8 |
GE4KIR - GINI GOES-East 4 km 10.7 um (thermal infrared) | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/sat/EAST-CONUS/4km/10.7 |
GE4KCO2 - GINI GOES-East 4 km 13.3 um (CO2) | /data/ldm/mcidas/images/sat/EAST-CONUS/4km/13.3 |
etc. |
In the table above, id represents the NEXRAD station id (ex: FTG, CYS, FFC, PUX, GYX, etc.).
The hierarchical nature of the Nexrad Level III data storage is further illustrated by:
% ls /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS ARX/ FTG/ CYS/ FFC/ PUX/ GYX/ LIX/ LTX/ HGX/ MQT/ ABX/ MOB/ % ls /data/ldm/mcidas/images/USRAD 8km/ 2km/A listing of the contents of any of the NOAAPORT NEXRAD toplevel directories shows that there are several different kinds of data for each NEXRAD station, and that these are best organized in a directories by data type:
% ls /data/ldm/mcidas/images/NIDS/ARX NCR/ NTP/ N0R/ N0V/ N0S/ NVL/Within each type subdirectory, data files are named with a descriptive name that is similar from image to image.
% ls /data/ldm/nexrad/NIDS/FTG/N0R N0R_19991206_0545 N0R_19991206_0245 N0R_19991206_0035 N0R_19991206_0535 N0R_19991206_0240 N0R_19991206_0030 N0R_19991206_0525 N0R_19991206_0235 N0R_19991206_0025 N0R_19991206_0515 N0R_19991206_0230 N0R_19991206_0020 N0R_19991206_0505 N0R_19991206_0225 N0R_19991206_0010 N0R_19991206_0455 N0R_19991206_0215 N0R_19991206_0005 N0R_19991206_0445 N0R_19991206_0210 N0R_19991206_0000
In order to be able to serve data, the GINI, NEXRCOMP, NEXRAD, and NOWrad servers need to be " told " where the files reside and how they are named. This is done using regular expressions in one of two ways:
For the purposes of illustration, assume the following:
VIS_ccyymmdd_hhmm ccyymmdd - 4-digit year, month, and day hhmm - hour and minute
some example names might be:
VIS_20001009_2145 VIS_20001009_2231 VIS_20001009_2315 VIS_20001009_2201 VIS_20001009_2245 VIS_20001009_2331 VIS_20001009_2215 VIS_20001009_2301 VIS_20001009_2345 etc.
Since there are a number of types of GINI images, one would need to run a number of DSSERVE commands to define access to all of them. In order to simplify things, Unidata McIDAS-X is distributed with a BATCH file, GINIADDE.BAT, that contains DSSERVE entries that can be edited and used to define dataset entries for GINI data.
The user should make a copy of GINIADDE.BAT:
and edit LOCGINI.BAT to set the DIRFILE= value for each GROUP/TYPE (e.g., GINIEAST/GE1KVIS, etc.). Please note that you should NOT edit GINIADDE.BAT directly as this file will be overwritten with each new McIDAS-X installation!
The skeletal GINIADDE.BAT entry for GINIEAST/GE1KVIS images is:
If the GOES-East 1 km visible GINI imagery is located in the directory in a different directory, say /local/ldm/data/images/sat/GOES-E/1km/VIS, one would need to change the LOCGINI.BAT entry for GINIEAST/GE1KVIS elements to:
and so on.
The Unidata McIDAS-X distribution contains example configuration files, for Nexrad Level III products, NNEXRAD.CFG, for Nexrad Level III composite products, NEXRCOMP.CFG, for NOAAPORT GINI images, GINI.CFG, for WSI Nexrad Level III products, WNEXRAD.CFG, and for WSI Nexrad Level III composite products, NOWRAD.CFG, The use of these configuration files is illustrated in the following table:
Data type | Configuration File |
N0R - Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 | NNEXRAD.CFG |
N1R - Base Reflectivity Tilt 2 | NNEXRAD.CFG |
N2R - Base Reflectivity Tilt 3 | NNEXRAD.CFG |
N3R - Base Reflectivity Tilt 4 | NNEXRAD.CFG |
etc. |
UPC-generated NEXRAD Composite Images |
1KN0R-NAT - 1 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 National Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
6KN0R-NAT - 6 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 National Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
2KN1P-NAT - 2 km 1-hour Precipitation National Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
4KNTP-NAT - 4 km Storm Total Precipitation National Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
10KRCM-NAT - 10 km Radar Coded Message National Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
1KN0R-FLT - 1 km Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 Regional Composite | NEXRCOMP.CFG |
GOES-East 1 km 0.65 um (visible) | GINI.CFG |
GOES-East 4 km 3.9 um (infrared) | GINI.CFG |
GOES-East 8 km 6.8 um (water vapor) | GINI.CFG |
GOES-East 4 km 10.7 um (thermal infrared) | GINI.CFG |
GOES-East 4 km 12.0 um (infrared) | GINI.CFG |
etc. |
WSI NIDS Products |
BREF1 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 | WNEXRAD.CFG |
BREF2 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 2 | WNEXRAD.CFG |
BREF3 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 3 | WNEXRAD.CFG |
BREF4 - Base Reflectivity Tilt 4 | WNEXRAD.CFG |
etc. |
NOWrad 8 km National Composite | NOWRAD.CFG |
NOWrad 2 km Master Sector | NOWRAD.CFG |
The parameters used in these configuration files are very simple. Keywords are used to fully describe the location and name of data files in a dataset and IP address(es) of the machines allowed to access the data. If the location of the files can all be defined by a simple regular expression, then the following keywords need to be defined:
Key name | Purpose |
DIRMASK | regular expression for directory containing the data files |
FILEMASK | regular expression for the data file names |
IPMASK | regular expression for IP address(es) of allowed machines |
If the location for GINI image files is significantly different from image type to image type, then the following keywords should be used to specified each product:
type_DIR= type_FILE= type_IP=
Key name | Purpose |
type_DIR | regular expression for directory containing data files |
type_FILE | regular expression for data file names |
type_IP | regular expression for IP address(es) of allowed users |
Here type is to be replaced by the name of the dataset descriptor. For instance a set of group/descriptor definitions might look like:
GINIEAST/GW1KVIS GINIEAST/GW4K39 GINIEAST/GW8KWV GINIEAST/GW4KIR GINIEAST/GW4K12 ^ ^____ dataset descriptor name |___________ dataset group name
The descriptors (e.g., GW1KVIS, GW4K39, etc.) for the dataset GINIEAST might be used in the second configuration file form as follows:
GW1KVIS_DIR=/data/ldm/gini/goeseast/1km/VIS GW1KVIS_FILE=VIS_* GW1KVIS_IP=* GW4K39_DIR=/data/ldm/gini/goeseast/4km/3.9 GW4K39_FILE=3.9_* GW4K39_IP=* GW4KWV_DIR=/data/ldm/gini/goeseast/8km/WV GW4KWV_FILE=WV_* GW4KWV_IP=* GW4KIR_DIR=/data/ldm/gini/goeseast/4km/IR GW4KIR_FILE=IR_* GW4KIR_IP=* GW4K12_DIR=/data/ldm/gini/goeseast/4km/12.0 GW4K12_FILE=12.0_* GW4K12_IP=*
Things to note:
All of the configuration files get installed in mcidas working directory, ~mcidas/workdata. The user mcidas must make local copies of these files and then edit the copies to change values to match their installation.