REM ? LBDR.MCB - Set loop bounds and dwell rates REM ? REM ? Name: LBDR.MCB REM ? REM ? Purpose: Set loop dwell bounds and rates using ?nFRMS and ?DWELL strings REM ? REM ? Invocation: REM ? RUN #?VFRMS #?DWELL FILE=LBDR.MCB REM ? REM ? REM History: 19990726 - Created for Unidata McIDAS-OS2 Version 7.60 REM ? ---------- REM Definition of variables used in the following: REM REM Variable Use REM Input: R$ Entered dwell rate REM REM Internal: R$ Dwell rate in 'n m' format REM I Index REM A 'a' of 'a b' format REM B 'b' of 'a b' format REM REM predefined dwell rates in 'n m' format 1 input A,B,N$,M$ REM Check to make sure that the input GRID dataset was specified if N$="" LET N$="3" if M$="" LET M$="10" REM Set the dwell rate keyin "LB ";A;" ";B keyin "DR ";(B-A);"*";N$;" ";M$ goto 999 REM Done 999 STOP "Done"