REM ? Name: UNIMENU.DEF REM ? REM ? Purpose: Define stings used by Unidata Menu System (UNIDATA.MNU is the REM ? template). REM ? REM ? Invocation: REM ? This is NOT an executable script. Its values are stroed in REM ? the current string table by the Unidata-supplied routine REM ? TENTER: REM ? REM ? TENTER FILE=UNIMENU.DEF REM ? | |____________ definitions file name REM ? |_________________________ multiple sting def. routine REM ? REM ? REM ? Notes: REM ? As distributed by Unidata, UNIMENU.DEF is designed for a REM ? VGA system with 32 graphic/image frames. This system is REM ? also assumed to be storing 10 of every kind of image. REM ? REM History: 940715 - Created for Unidata McIDAS-OS2 Version 5.90 REM 940901 - Updated for Unidata McIDAS-X Version 1.90 REM 960416 - Added +BAR, +BLANK, and +DWELL strings to list for REM McIDAS-X Version 2.102 REM 961203 - changed Fkey menu string PREFIX from '+' to '?' REM 970407 - Added ?PCP string to define precip contours REM 990721 - Added ?MODEL1, ?MODEL2 for Fkey menu REM ? ---------- REM Single frame definitions: REM ?IFRM - frame for single image load REM ?SFRM - frame for surface observational data plots REM ?UFRM - frame for upper air data plots (including Skew-Ts and Hodographs) REM ?PFRM - frame for profiler data plots REM ?NFRM - frame for NLDN lightning data plots REM ?XFRM - frame for vertical cross section plots REM ?IFRM "11 ?SFRM "12 ?UFRM "13 ?PFRM "14 ?NFRM "15 ?XFRM "16 REM Horizontal grid plot frame definitions: REM ?GFRML - 0-hour grid plots; single grid plots REM ?GFRMB - 12-hour grid plots REM ?GFRMC - 24-hour grid plots REM ?GFRMD - 36-hour grid plots REM ?GFRMH - 48-hour grid plots REM ?GFRML "12 ?GFRMB "13 ?GFRMC "14 ?GFRMD "15 ?GFRMH "16 REM Image loop start frame and number of images to load: REM ?AFRMS - Antarctic composite REM ?FFRMS - Floaters REM ?HFRMS - Water Vapor REM ?IFRMS - Infrared REM ?MFRMS - Manually Digitized Radar REM ?VFRMS - Visible REM ?AFRMS "1 10 ?FFRMS "1 10 ?HFRMS "1 10 ?IFRMS "1 10 ?MFRMS "1 10 ?VFRMS "1 10 REM Dwell rates for image loops REM ?DWELL ?DWELL "3 10 REM Draw data BAR at bottom of image [NO|YES|HOR|VER] YES -> vertical bar REM ?BAR ?BAR "VER REM Plot interval (INT) for NLDN Lightning plots REM ?NLDNINT REM ?NLDNINT "00:30 REM GRID file for output of objective analyses (SCC, UCC, ISENP, PROFP) REM ?GFILE REM ?GFILE "132 REM Contour levels for selected plots REM ?RHLEV - levels for relative humidty (percent) REM ?WLEV - wind speed levels (knots) REM ?PCP - precip contour levels (in) REM ?RHLEV "50 60 70 80 90 100 ?WLEV "80 90 100 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 ?PCP ".1 .25 .5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REM Default map projection REM ?PRO REM ?PRO "CONF REM Time option REM ?OFILE REM ?OFILE "LATEST REM Default plot/contour option REM ?COUT REM ?COUT "PLT REM Blanking of image underneath MDX macro labels REM ?BLANK REM ?BLANK "NO REM Default load, center, and magnification for image/loop loads REM ?LOAD - load positioning (e.g. AC 230 230; EC KDEN) REM ?RID - ID of surface station used for load center REM ?MAG - LINe and ELEment load magnification factors REM ?LOAD "EC KDEN ?RID "FTG ?MAG "1 1 REM Default SFCMG, MG, MGXS, and STG ID(s) REM ?MGID - ID for MG; begin ID for MGXS and STG REM ?MGIDB - end ID for MGXS and STG REM ?MGID "KDEN ?MGIDB "KTOP REM Default ID for synoptic obs and FOSU14 forecasts REM ?SYNID - ID for synoptic station REM ?FOUSID - ID for FOUS14 station REM ?SYNID "KDEN ?FOUSID "DEN REM Latitude and longitude flag for background maps REM ?LALO - [LALO|X] REM ?LALO "LALO REM Default latitude and longitude end points for vertical cross sections REM ?LATS - begin and end latitudes REM ?LONS - begin and end longitudes REM ?LATS "30 55 ?LONS "105 105 REM Default circuits to use for current data information plot REM ?CIRCUIT - space separated list of circuits ?CIRCUIT "ISFC ISHP IRAB WPRO REM Default map id for default background maps REM number; and profiler ID REM ?MAPID - id for default background map ?MAPID "USACONF ?MAPLATL "20.83 ?MAPLATH "49.88 ?MAPLONL "78 ?MAPLONH "137.97 ?MAPSLAT1 "60 ?MAPSLAT2 "60 ?MAPSLON "105 ?MAPLINH "MISS ?MAPLINL "MISS ?MAPELEL "MISS ?MAPELEH "MISS REM Models for Fkey menu REM REM ?MODEL1 - North American REM ?MODEL2 - Global initialization REM ?MODEL1 "RTGRIDS/NGM-UW ?MODEL2 "RTGRIDS/MRF-UW REM Default map id for plots on horizontal surfaces; upper air station ID REM number; and profiler ID REM ?MID - map id REM ?STATEID - map id for SA listings (US state PO mnemonic only) REM ?SKEWIDN - sounding station IDN REM ?PROFID - FSL wind profiler ID REM ?NLDNID - Dummy used by MCGUI REM ?PIRPID - default ID for MCGUI PIREP/AIREP listings REM ?SHIPID - default ID for MCGUI SHIP/BUOY listings REM ?TAFID - default ID for MCGUI TERMFCST listings REM ?WFOID - ID of WFO for XCD Text listings REM ?MID "CO ?STATEID "CO ?SKEWIDN "72469 ?NLDNID " ?PIRPID "UAL ?PROFID "PLTC2 ?SHIPID "VORK ?TAFID "KDEN ?SFDID "KBOU ?SFPID "KBOU ?ZFPID "KBOU ?NOWID "KBOU ?WFOID "KBOU REM Done!