9.1 Real-time Data Access - Weather Text Products
Weather text data is unique, because it must reside on a McIDAS-X remote
server; it cannot reside on the local server.
The first line of text products received by McIDAS contains WMO information about the data being received.
An example of this WMO information line is shown below:
Example: |
FPUS5 KMKE 171245 |
Format: |
product origin date |
product |
the product header; includes a two-character WMO product code (FP),
a two-character geographic identification code (US),
and an optional product ID number between 0 and 99 (5) |
origin |
the station initiating the report (KMKE) |
date |
day of the month (17), hour UTC (12), and minute (45) |
Many text products sent by the National Weather Service contain an additional line of information.
This AFOS/AWIPS information also indicates product and origin. Examples of the AFOS/AWIPS
information lines are shown here:
Examples: |
ppp |
the product header; three-character AFOS/AWIPS product code (ZFP or LFP) |
sss |
the station initiating the report; two or three characters, depending on the AFOS product (WI or MKE) |
Using WXTLIST to read weather text products
In this lesson, you will be using the WXTLIST command to
read various weather text products.
- List the available predefined text products.
This will produce a listing of all the predefined text products available in the group RTWXTEXT.
- List the five most recent Severe Weather Watch Updates.
WXTLIST relies on keywords to refine the search for text products.
The WMO keyword matches the product header. The NUM keyword indicates how many reports you
want listed. The WSTN keyword can be used to match the station initiating the report.
- List the most recent zone forecast for Madison, Wisconsin.
The APRO keyword matches the product header. The ASTN keyword matches the
station initiating the report. The MATCH keyword looks for any occurrence
of the word MADISON in the reports.
Listing raw observational text reports
There are six macro commands that list observations and forecasts:
- MOSRPT (to list FOUS14, ETAMOS, and GFSMOS forecasts)
- RAOBRPT (to list upper air observations)
- SFCRPT (to list surface hourly observations)
- SYNRPT (to list synoptic observations)
- TAFRPT (to list terminal aerodrome forecasts)
These commands all utilize the functionality of the OBSRPT command.
- List the upper air observations for Arizona and New Mexico for the past 24 hours.
- Type: RAOBRPT AZ NM 24
- List the surface hourly observations for the past 12 hours in Phoenix, Arizona.
- Type: SFCRPT KPHX 12
This data is all listed in the raw report format. In a later section,
you will use the UALIST and
SFCLIST commands to quickly list
the observed data in a format that is easier to read.