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NetCDF 4.9.3-rc1
Beginning with netCDF version 4.8.0, the Unidata NetCDF group has extended the netcdf-c library to support data stored using the Zarr data model and storage format [4,6]. As part of this support, netCDF adds support for accessing data stored using cloud storage (e.g. Amazon S3 [1] ).
The goal of this project, then, is to provide maximum interoperability between the netCDF Enhanced (netcdf-4) data model and the Zarr version 2 [4]data model. This is embodied in the netcdf-c library so that it is possible to use the netcdf API to read and write Zarr formatted datasets.
In order to better support the netcdf-4 data model, the netcdf-c library implements a limited set of extensions to the Zarr data model. This extended model is referred to as NCZarr. Additionally, another goal is to ensure interoperability between NCZarr formatted files and standard (aka pure) Zarr formatted files. This means that (1) an NCZarr file can be read by any other Zarr library (and especially the Zarr-python library), and (2) a standard Zarr file can be read by netCDF. Of course, there limitations in that other Zarr libraries will not use the extra, NCZarr meta-data, and netCDF will have to "fake" meta-data not provided by a pure Zarr file.
As a secondary – but equally important – goal, it must be possible to use the NCZarr library to read and write datasets that are pure Zarr, which means that none of the NCZarr extensions are used. This feature does come with some costs, namely that information contained in the netcdf-4 data model may be lost in the pure Zarr dataset.
Notes on terminology in this document.
NCZarr uses a data model that, by design, extends the Zarr Version 2 Specification .
Note Carefully: a legal NCZarr dataset is expected to also be a legal Zarr dataset. The inverse is true also. A legal Zarr dataset is expected to also be a legal NCZarr dataset, where "legal" means it conforms to the Zarr specification(s). In addition, certain non-Zarr features are allowed and used. Specifically the XArray [7] ''_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS'' attribute is one such.
There are two other, secondary assumption:
Briefly, the data model supported by NCZarr is netcdf-4 minus the user-defined types and full String type support. However, a restricted form of String type is supported (see Appendix D). As with netcdf-4, chunking is supported. Filters and compression are also supported.
Specifically, the model supports the following.
With respect to full netCDF-4, the following concepts are currently unsupported.
Note that contiguous and compact are not actually supported because they are HDF5 specific. When specified, they are treated as chunked where the file consists of only one chunk. This means that testing for contiguous or compact is not possible; the nc_inq_var_chunking function will always return NC_CHUNKED and the chunksizes will be the same as the dimension sizes of the variable's dimensions.
Additionally, it should be noted that NCZarr supports scalar variables, but Zarr Version 2 does not; Zarr V2 only supports dimensioned variables. In order to support interoperability, NCZarr V2 does the following.
These actions allow NCZarr to properly show scalars in its API while still maintaining compatibility with Zarr.
NCZarr support is enabled by default. If the –disable-nczarr option is used with './configure', then NCZarr (and Zarr) support is disabled. If NCZarr support is enabled, then support for datasets stored as files in a directory tree is provided as the only guaranteed mechanism for storing datasets. However, several addition storage mechanisms are available if additional libraries are installed.
In order to access a NCZarr data source through the netCDF API, the file name normally used is replaced with a URL with a specific format. Note specifically that there is no NC_NCZARR flag for the mode argument of nc_create or nc_open. In this case, it is indicated by the URL path.
The URL is the usual format.
See the document "quickstart_paths" for details about using URLs.
There are, however, some details that are important.
The fragment part of a URL is used to specify information that is interpreted to specify what data format is to be used, as well as additional controls for that data format.
For reading, key=value pairs are provided for specifying the storage format.
Additional pairs are provided to specify the Zarr version.
Additional pairs are provided to specify the storage medium: Amazon S3 vs File tree vs Zip file.
Note that when reading, an attempt will be made to infer the format and Zarr version and storage medium format by probing the file. If inferencing fails, then it is reported. In this case, the client may need to add specific mode flags to avoid inferencing.
Typically one will specify three mode flags: one to indicate what format to use and one to specify the way the dataset is to be stored. For example, a common one is "mode=zarr,file<!--,v2-->"
Obviously, when creating a file, inferring the type of file to create is not possible so the mode flags must be set specifically. This means that both the storage medium and the exact storage format must be specified. Using mode=nczarr causes the URL to be interpreted as a reference to a dataset that is stored in NCZarr format. The zarr mode tells the library to use NCZarr, but to restrict its operation to operate on pure Zarr.
The modes s3, file, and zip tell the library what storage medium driver to use.
As an aside, it should be the case that zipping a file format directory tree will produce a file readable by the zip storage format, and vice-versa.
By default, the XArray convention is supported for Zarr Version 2 and used for both NCZarr files and pure Zarr files.
This means that every variable in the root group whose named dimensions are also in the root group will have an attribute called *_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS* that stores those dimension names. The noxarray mode tells the library to disable the XArray support.
Internally, the nczarr implementation has a map abstraction that allows different storage formats to be used. This is closely patterned on the same approach used in the Python Zarr implementation, which relies on the Python MutableMap [5] class.
In NCZarr, the corresponding type is called zmap. The zmap API essentially implements a simplified variant of the Amazon S3 API.
As with Amazon S3, keys are utf8 strings with a specific structure: that of a path similar to those of a Unix path with '/' as the separator for the segments of the path.
As with Unix, all keys have this BNF syntax:
Obviously, one can infer a tree structure from this key structure. A containment relationship is defined by key prefixes. Thus one key is "contained" (possibly transitively) by another if one key is a prefix (in the string sense) of the other. So in this sense the key "/x/y/z" is contained by the key "/x/y".
In this model all keys "exist" but only some keys refer to objects containing content – aka content bearing. An important restriction is placed on the structure of the tree, namely that keys are only defined for content-bearing objects. Further, all the leaves of the tree are these content-bearing objects. This means that the key for one content-bearing object should not be a prefix of any other key.
There several other concepts of note.
The zmap API defined here isolates the key-value pair mapping code from the Zarr-based implementation of NetCDF-4. It wraps an internal C dispatch table manager for implementing an abstract data structure implementing the zmap key/object model. Of special note is the "search" function of the API.
Search: The search function has two purposes:
The search function takes a prefix path which has a key syntax (see above). The set of legal keys is the set of keys such that the key references a content-bearing object – e.g. /x/y/.zarray or /.zgroup. Essentially this is the set of keys pointing to the leaf objects of the tree of keys constituting a dataset. This set potentially limits the set of keys that need to be examined during search.
The search function returns a limited set of names, where the set of names are immediate suffixes of a given prefix path. That is, if _<prefix>_ is the prefix path, then search returnsnall _<name>_ such that _<prefix>/<name>_ is itself a prefix of a "legal" key. This can be used to implement glob style searches such as "/x/y/*" or "/x/y/**"
This semantics was chosen because it appears to be the minimum required to implement all other kinds of search using recursion. It was also chosen to limit the number of names returned from the search. Specifically
As a side note, S3 supports this kind of search using common prefixes with a delimiter of '/', although its use is a bit tricky. For the file system zmap implementation, the legal search keys can be obtained one level at a time, which directly implements the search semantics. For the zip file implementation, this semantics is not possible, so the whole tree must be obtained and searched.
A Note on Error Codes:
The zmap API returns some distinguished error code:
This does not preclude other errors being returned such NC_EACCESS or NC_EPERM or NC_EINVAL if there are permission errors or illegal function arguments, for example. It also does not preclude the use of other error codes internal to the zmap implementation. So zmap_file, for example, uses NC_ENOTFOUND internally because it is possible to detect the existence of directories and files. But this does not propagate outside the zmap_file implementation.
The primary zmap implementation is s3 (i.e. mode=nczarr,s3) and indicates that the Amazon S3 cloud storage – or some related applicance – is to be used. Another storage format uses a file system tree of directories and files (mode=nczarr,file). A third storage format uses a zip file (mode=nczarr,zip). The latter two are used mostly for debugging and testing. However, the file and zip formats are important because they are intended to match corresponding storage formats used by the Python Zarr implementation. Hence it should serve to provide interoperability between NCZarr and the Python Zarr, although this interoperability has had only limited testing.
Examples of the typical URL form for file and zip are as follows.
Note that the extension (e.g. ".file" in "testdata.file") is arbitrary, so this would be equally acceptable.
As with other URLS (e.g. DAP), these kind of URLS can be passed as the path argument to, for example, ncdump.
The NCZARR format extends the pure Zarr format by adding extra attributes such as ''_nczarr_array'' inside the ''.zattr'' object. It is possible to suppress the use of these extensions so that the netcdf library can write a pure zarr formatted file. But this probably unnecessary since these attributes should be readable by any other Zarr implementation. But these extra attributes might be seen as clutter and so it is possible to suppress them when writing using mode=zarr.
Reading of pure Zarr files created using other implementations is a necessary compatibility feature of NCZarr. This requirement imposed some constraints on the reading of Zarr datasets using the NCZarr implementation.
Again, this list should diminish over time.
The NCZarr support has a trace facility. Enabling this can sometimes give important, but voluminous information. Tracing can be enabled by setting the environment variable NCTRACING=n, where n indicates the level of tracing. A good value of n is 9.
In order to use the zip storage format, the libzip [3] library must be installed. Note that this is different from zlib.
The notion of "addressing style" may need some expansion. Amazon S3 accepts two forms for specifying the endpoint for accessing the data (see the document "quickstart_path").
The NCZarr code will accept either form, although internally, it is standardized on path style. The reason for this is that the bucket name forms the initial segment in the keys.
The NCZarr storage format is almost identical to that of the the standard Zarr format. The data model differs as follows.
Consider both NCZarr and Zarr, and assume S3 notions of bucket and object. In both systems, Groups and Variables (Array in Zarr) map to S3 objects. Containment is modeled using the fact that the dataset's key is a prefix of the variable's key. So for example, if variable v1 is contained in top level group g1 – _/g1 – then the key for v1 is _/g1/v_. Additional meta-data information is stored in special objects whose name start with ".z".
In Zarr Version 2, the following special objects exist.
The first three contain meta-data objects in the form of a string representing a JSON-formatted dictionary. The NCZarr format uses the same objects as Zarr, but inserts NCZarr specific attributes in the *.zattr* object to hold NCZarr specific information The value of each of these attributes is a JSON dictionary containing a variety of NCZarr specific information.
These NCZarr-specific attributes are as follows:
__nczarr_superblock__ – this is in the top level group's *.zattr* object. It is in effect the "superblock" for the dataset and contains any netcdf specific dataset level information. It is also used to verify that a given key is the root of a dataset. Currently it contains keys that are ignored and exist only to ensure that older netcdf library versions do not crash.
__nczarr_group__ – this key appears in every group's _.zattr_ object. It contains any netcdf specific group information. Specifically it contains the following keys:
__nczarr_array__ – this key appears in the *.zattr* object associated with a _.zarray_ object. It contains netcdf specific array information. Specifically it contains the following keys:
__nczarr_attr__ – this attribute appears in every _.zattr_ object. Specifically it contains the following keys:
With some loss of netcdf-4 information, it is possible for an nczarr library to read the pure Zarr format and for other zarr libraries to read the nczarr format.
The latter case, zarr reading nczarr, is trival because all of the nczarr metadata is stored as ordinary, String valued (but JSON syntax), attributes.
The former case, nczarr reading zarr is possible assuming the nczarr code can simulate or infer the contents of the missing __nczarr_xxx_ attributes. As a rule this can be done as follows.
In order to accomodate existing implementations, certain mode tags are provided to tell the NCZarr code to look for information used by specific implementations.
The Xarray [7] Zarr implementation uses its own mechanism for specifying shared dimensions. It uses a special attribute named ''_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS''. The value of this attribute is a list of dimension names (strings). An example might be ["time", "lon", "lat"]
. It is almost equivalent to the _nczarr_array "dimension_references" list
, except that the latter uses fully qualified names so the referenced dimensions can be anywhere in the dataset. The Xarray dimension list differs from the netcdf-4 shared dimensions in two ways.
The Xarray ''_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS'' attribute is supported for both NCZarr and pure Zarr. If possible, this attribute will be read/written by default, but can be suppressed if the mode value "noxarray" is specified. If detected, then these dimension names are used to define shared dimensions. The following conditions will cause ''_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS'' to not be written.
Note that this attribute is not needed for Zarr Version 3, and is ignored.
Here are a couple of examples using the ncgen and ncdump utilities.
Currently the following build cases are known to work. Note that this does not include S3 support. A separate tabulation of S3 support is in the document cloud.md.
Operating System | Build System | NCZarr |
Linux | Automake | yes |
Linux | CMake | yes |
Cygwin | Automake | yes |
Cygwin | CMake | yes |
OSX | Automake | yes |
OSX | CMake | yes |
Visual Studio | CMake | yes |
The relevant ./configure options are as follows.
The relevant CMake flags are as follows.
The relevant tests for S3 support are in the nczarr_test directory. Currently, by default, testing of S3 with NCZarr is supported only for Unidata members of the NetCDF Development Group. This is because it uses a Unidata-specific bucket that is inaccessible to the general user.
In order to build netcdf-c with S3 sdk support, the following options must be specified for ./configure.
If you have access to the Unidata bucket on Amazon, then you can also test S3 support with this option.
Enabling S3 support is controlled by this cmake option:
However, to find the aws sdk libraries, the following environment variables must be set:
Then the following options must be specified for cmake.
The Amazon S3 cloud storage imposes some significant limits that are inherited by NCZarr (and Zarr also, for that matter).
Some of the relevant limits are as follows:
The Zarr V2 specification is somewhat vague on what is a legal value for an attribute. The examples all show one of two cases:
However, the Zarr specification can be read to infer that the value can in fact be any legal JSON expression. This "convention" is currently used routinely to help support various attributes created by other packages where the attribute is a complex JSON expression. An example is the GDAL Driver convention [12], where the value is a complex JSON dictionary.
In order for NCZarr to be as consistent as possible with Zarr, it is desirable to support this convention for attribute values. This means that there must be some way to handle an attribute whose value is not either of the two cases above. That is, its value is some more complex JSON expression. Ideally both reading and writing of such attributes should be supported.
One more point. NCZarr attempts to record the associated netcdf attribute type (encoded in the form of a NumPy "dtype") for each attribute. This information is stored as NCZarr-specific metadata. Note that pure Zarr makes no attempt to record such type information.
The current algorithm to support JSON valued attributes operates as follows.
There are mutiple cases to consider.
The process of reading and interpreting an attribute value requires two pieces of information.
Given these two pieces of information, the read process is as follows.
Zarr supports a string type, but it is restricted to fixed size strings. NCZarr also supports such strings, but there are some differences in order to interoperate with the netcdf-4/HDF5 variable length strings.
The primary issue to be addressed is to provide a way for user to specify the maximum size of the fixed length strings. This is handled by providing the following new attributes:
Note that when accessing a string through the netCDF API, the fixed length strings appear as variable length strings. This means that they are stored as pointers to the string (i.e. char*) and with a trailing nul character. One consequence is that if the user writes a variable length string through the netCDF API, and the length of that string is greater than the maximum string length for a variable, then the string is silently truncated. Another consequence is that the user must reclaim the string storage.
Adding strings also requires some hacking to handle the existing netcdf-c NC_CHAR type, which does not exist in Zarr. The goal was to choose NumPY types for both the netcdf-c NC_STRING type and the netcdf-c NC_CHAR type such that if a pure zarr implementation reads them, it will still work.
For writing variables and NCZarr attributes, the type mapping is as follows:
Admittedly, this encoding is a bit of a hack.
So when reading data with a pure zarr implementaion the above types should always appear as strings, and the type that signals NC_CHAR (in NCZarr) would be handled by Zarr as a string of length 1.
[1] Amazon Simple Storage Service Documentation
[2] Amazon Simple Storage Service Library
[3] The LibZip Library
[4] NetCDF ZARR Data Model Specification
[5] Python Documentation: 8.3. collections — High-performance dataset datatypes
[6] Zarr Version 2 Specification
[7] XArray Zarr Encoding Specification
[8] Dynamic Filter Loading
[9] Officially Registered Custom HDF5 Filters
[10] C-Blosc Compressor Implementation
[11] Conda-forge packages / aws-sdk-cpp
[12] GDAL Zarr
[Note: minor text changes are not included.]
Note, this log was only started as of 8/11/2022 and is not intended to be a detailed chronology. Rather, it provides highlights that will be of interest to NCZarr users. In order to see exact changes, It is necessary to use the 'git diff' command.
Author: Dennis Heimbigner
Email: dmh at ucar dot edu
Initial Version: 4/10/2020
Last Revised: 4/02/2024