Building the NetCDF-4.2 and later Fortran libraries | |
Installing and Using netCDF-C Libraries in Windows | NetCDF-C Libraries in a Windows Environment may be used under multiple sets of circumstances |
NetCDF In-Memory Support | |
NetCDF Byterange Support | |
NetCDF Authorization Support | |
The NetCDF NCZarr Implementation | |
Cloud Storage Access Using The NetCDF-C Library | |
NetCDF Programming Notes | |
Build Instructions for NetCDF-C using CMake | |
FAQ | |
▼The NetCDF-C Tutorial | The NetCDF-C Tutorial |
Working with NetCDF Files from the command line. | Options for working with netcdf-formatted files from the command line or with an external program |
Numbering of NetCDF IDs | In C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90, netCDF objects are identified by an integer: the ID |
Creating New Files and Metadata, an Overview | To construct a netCDF file you need to: |
Reading NetCDF Files of Known Structure | To read a netCDF file of known structure, you need to: |
Reading Classic Format NetCDF Files of Unknown Structure | Perhaps you would like to write your software to handle more general cases, so that you don't have to adjust your source every time the grid size changes, or a variable is added to the file |
Reading NetCDF/HDF5 Format NetCDF Files of Unknown Structure | When using netCDF/HDF5 files (i.e |
Reading and Writing Subsets of Data | Usually users are interested in reading or writing subsets of variables in a netCDF data file |
NetCDF Documentation | Language specific programming guides are available for netCDF for the C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, and Java APIs: |
The NetCDF Data Model | The netCDF data model is the way that we think about data |
Unlimited Dimensions | Sometimes you don't know the size of all dimensions when you create a file, or you would like to arbitrarily extend the file along one of the dimensions |
Groups | NetCDF-4 files can store attributes, variables, and dimensions in hierarchical groups |
User Defined Types | |
Strings | Use the NC_STRING type to store arrays of strings |
Fill Values | Sometimes there are missing values in the data, and some value is needed to represent them |
The NetCDF Programming APIs | Unidata supports netCDF APIs in C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, and Java |
Error Handling | |
Interoperability with HDF5 | NetCDF-4 allows some interoperability with HDF5 |
Parallel I/O with NetCDF-4 | NetCDF-4 provides parallel file access to both classic and netCDF-4/HDF5 files |
NetCDF Example Programs | The netCDF example programs show how to use netCDF |
Notes On the Internals of the NetCDF-C Library | |
Internal Dispatch Table Architecture | |
Lossy Compression with Quantize | |
Appendix A: Attribute Conventions | |
Appendix B. File Format Specifications | |
Appendix C. NetCDF Error Code Listing | |
Appendix D. NetCDF-4 Filter Support | |
Appendix D.1. NetCDF-4 Filter QuickStart | |
Appendix E. NetCDF-4 Plugin Path Support | |
Appendix F. Specifying Paths for NetCDF-C QuickStart | |
Appendix G. Environment Variables and .RC files QuickStart | |
Deprecated List | |