CDM utility programs

Below are useful command-line utilites that can be called from the CDM library. The easiest way to use these is to grab the latest netcdfAll.jar file.


Prints the textual representation of a dataset to standard output. Similar functionality to the ncdump utility program. By default, just the header (ncdump -h) is output. This application works on any CDM file, not just netCDF files.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.NCdumpW
    filepath [-cdl | -ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName1;varName2;..] [-v varName(0:1,:,12)]



Copies a dataset to a netCDF-3 (default) or netCDF-4 file. The input may be any CDM dataset, including OPeNDAP URLs, NcML, GRIB files, etc. If the dataset uses the extended data model, you must write to netCDF-4. If writing to netCDF-4, you must have the netcdf-4 C library loaded.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy [options]
* -i, --input
Input dataset.
* -o, --output
Output file.
-f, --format
Output file format. Allowed values = [netcdf3, netcdf4, netcdf4_classic,
netcdf3c, netcdf3c64, ncstream]
Default: netcdf3
-isLargeFile, --isLargeFile
Write to large file format. Only used in NetCDF 3. Allowed values =
[standard, grib, none]
Default: false
-st, --strategy
Chunking strategy. Only used in NetCDF 4. Allowed values = [standard,
grib, none]
Default: standard
-d, --deflateLevel
Compression level. Only used in NetCDF 4. Allowed values = 0 (no
compression, fast) to 9 (max compression, slow)
Default: 5
-sh, --shuffle
Enable the shuffle filter, which may improve compression. Only used in
NetCDF 4. This option is ignored unless a non-zero deflate level is specified.
Default: true
-h, --help
Display this help and exit
Default: false


Compares two CDM files for semantic equivilence.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2
    file1 file2 [-showEach] [-compareData]



Copies a BUFR file's messages into separate output files, depending on message type.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.iosp.bufr.writer.BufrSplitter
    --fileSpec <fileIn> --dirOut <dirOut>



Copies a CDM point feature dataset to CF/NetCDF format. The CF conventions target NetCDF-3, but you can also write NetCDF-4 files in classic mode. For that, you must first install the C library.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.ft.point.writer.CFPointWriter [options]
  * -i, --input
       Input file.
  * -o, --output
       Output file.
    -f, --format
       Output file format. Allowed values = [netcdf3, netcdf4, netcdf4_classic,
       netcdf3c, netcdf3c64, ncstream]
       Default: netcdf3
    -st, --strategy
       Chunking strategy. Only used in NetCDF 4. Allowed values = [standard,
       grib, none]
       Default: standard
    -d, --deflateLevel
       Compression level. Only used in NetCDF 4. Allowed values = 0 (no
       compression, fast) to 9 (max compression, slow)
       Default: 5
    -sh, --shuffle
       Enable the shuffle filter, which may improve compression. Only used in
       NetCDF 4. This option is ignored unless a non-zero deflate level is specified.
       Default: true
    -h, --help
       Display this help and exit
       Default: false


Write GRIB Collection Indexes from an XML file containing a GRIB <featureCollection> XML element.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.grib.collection.GribCdmIndex [options]
* -fc, --featureCollection
Input XML file containing <featureCollection> root element
-update, --CollectionUpdateType
Collection Update Type
Default: always
-h, --help
Display this help and exit
Default: false


java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.grib.collection.GribCdmIndex -fc /data/fc/gfs_example.xml

Note that the output file is placed in the root directory of the collection, as specified by the Collection Specification of the GRIB <featureCollection>.


Scans all the files in a directory to see if they are CDM files and can be identified as a particular feature type.

java -Xmx1g -classpath netcdfAll-<version>.jar ucar.nc2.ft.scan.FeatureScan directory [-subdirs]


This document was last updated Mar 2015.