file ID: /dmsp/moby-1-3/subscriptions/IBAMA/1353226646955.tmp data set ID: DMSP F14 OLS LS & TS record bytes: 3040 number of header records: 1 number of records: 692 suborbit history: F14200307192230.OIS (1,691) processing system: v2.1b processing date: Sat Jul 19 19:33:23 2003 spacecraft ID: F14 NORAD ID: 24753 start date UTC: 2003-07-19 start time UTC: 22:30:31.37112 end date UTC: 2003-07-19 end time UTC: 22:35:21.83694 start date local: 2003-07-19 start time local: 19:52:42.03518 start lat,lon: 0.00 320.54 end lat,lon: 16.99 316.69 start sub-solar coord: 20.87 202.37 end sub-solar coord: 20.87 201.16 start lunar coord: UNKNOWN end lunar coord: UNKNOWN ascending node: 320.55 node heading: 8.64 ephemeris source: NORAD number of data records: 691 number of artificial data records: 0 nominal resolution: 2.7 km bands per scanline: 2 samples per band: 1465 bytes per sample: 1 byte offset band 1: 96 byte offset band 2: 1568 band 1: OLS Visible .4-1.1um band 2: OLS Thermal 10.5-12.6um organization: band interleaved by line thermal offset: 190.00 K thermal scale: 0.47 QC flags: 0=not QC'ed 1=artificial 2=bad vis % daylight: 0.0 % full moon: 57.8 % terminator evident: 0.0 end header