NetCDF Users Guide v1.2
No Matches
File Structure and Performance

Parts of a NetCDF Classic File

A netCDF classic dataset (including CDF-1, 2, and 5 formats) is stored as a single file comprising two parts:

  • a header, containing all the information about dimensions, attributes, and variables except for the variable data;
  • a data part, comprising fixed-size data, containing the data for variables that don't have an unlimited dimension; and variable-size data, containing the data for variables that have an unlimited dimension.

Both the header and data parts are represented in a machine-independent form. This form is very similar to XDR (eXternal Data Representation), extended to support efficient storage of arrays of non-byte data.

The header at the beginning of the file contains information about the dimensions, variables, and attributes in the file, including their names, types, and other characteristics. The information about each variable includes the offset to the beginning of the variable's data for fixed-size variables or the relative offset of other variables within a record. The header also contains dimension lengths and information needed to map multidimensional indices for each variable to the appropriate offsets.

By default, this header has little usable extra space; it is only as large as it needs to be for the dimensions, variables, and attributes (including all the attribute values) in the netCDF dataset, with a small amount of extra space from rounding up to the nearest disk block size. This has the advantage that netCDF files are compact, requiring very little overhead to store the ancillary data that makes the datasets self-describing. A disadvantage of this organization is that any operation on a netCDF dataset that requires the header to grow (or, less likely, to shrink), for example adding new dimensions or new variables, requires moving the data by copying it. This expense is incurred when the enddef function is called: nc_enddef() in C, NF_ENDDEF() in Fortran, after a previous call to the redef function: nc_redef() in C or NF_REDEF() in Fortran. If you create all necessary dimensions, variables, and attributes before writing data, and avoid later additions and renamings of netCDF components that require more space in the header part of the file, you avoid the cost associated with later changing the header.

Alternatively, you can use an alternative version of the enddef function with two underbar characters instead of one to explicitly reserve extra space in the file header when the file is created: in C nc__enddef(), in Fortran NF__ENDDEF(), after a previous call to the redef function. This avoids the expense of moving all the data later by reserving enough extra space in the header to accommodate anticipated changes, such as the addition of new attributes or the extension of existing string attributes to hold longer strings.

When the size of the header is changed, data in the file is moved, and the location of data values in the file changes. If another program is reading the netCDF dataset during redefinition, its view of the file will be based on old, probably incorrect indexes. If netCDF datasets are shared across redefinition, some mechanism external to the netCDF library must be provided that prevents access by readers during redefinition, and causes the readers to call nc_sync/NF_SYNC before any subsequent access.

The fixed-size data part that follows the header contains all the variable data for variables that do not employ an unlimited dimension. The data for each variable is stored contiguously in this part of the file. If there is no unlimited dimension, this is the last part of the netCDF file.

The record-data part that follows the fixed-size data consists of a variable number of fixed-size records, each of which contains data for all the record variables. The record data for each variable is stored contiguously in each record.

The order in which the variable data appears in each data section is the same as the order in which the variables were defined, in increasing numerical order by netCDF variable ID. This knowledge can sometimes be used to enhance data access performance, since the best data access is currently achieved by reading or writing the data in sequential order.

Parts of a NetCDF-4 HDF5 File

NetCDF-4 files are created with the HDF5 library, and are HDF5 files in every way, and can be read without the netCDF-4 interface. (Note that modifying these files with HDF5 will almost certainly make them unreadable to netCDF-4.)

Groups in a netCDF-4 file correspond with HDF5 groups (although the netCDF-4 tree is rooted not at the HDF5 root, but in group “_netCDF”).

Variables in netCDF correspond with identically named datasets in HDF5. Attributes similarly.

Since there is more metadata in a netCDF file than an HDF5 file, special datasets are used to hold netCDF metadata.

The _netcdf_dim_info dataset (in group _netCDF) contains the ids of the shared dimensions, and their length (0 for unlimited dimensions).
The _netcdf_var_info dataset (in group _netCDF) holds an array of compound types which contain the variable ID, and the associated dimension ids.

The Extended XDR Layer

XDR is a standard for describing and encoding data and a library of functions for external data representation, allowing programmers to encode data structures in a machine-independent way. Classic netCDF employs an extended form of XDR for representing information in the header part and the data parts. This extended XDR is used to write portable data that can be read on any other machine for which the library has been implemented.

The cost of using a canonical external representation for data varies according to the type of data and whether the external form is the same as the machine's native form for that type.

For some data types on some machines, the time required to convert data to and from external form can be significant. The worst case is reading or writing large arrays of floating-point data on a machine that does not use IEEE floating-point as its native representation.

Large File Support

It is possible to write netCDF files that exceed 2 GiByte on platforms that have "Large File Support" (LFS). Such files are platform-independent to other LFS platforms, but trying to open them on an older platform without LFS yields a "file too large" error.

Without LFS, no files larger than 2 GiBytes can be used. The rest of this section applies only to systems with LFS.

The original binary format of netCDF (classic format) limits the size of data files by using a signed 32-bit offset within its internal structure. Files larger than 2 GiB can be created, with certain limitations. See Limitations of NetCDF.

In version 3.6.0, netCDF included its first-ever variant of the underlying data format. The new format introduced in 3.6.0 uses 64-bit file offsets in place of the 32-bit offsets. The new format is also referred as CDF-2 format as it bears a signature string of "CDF2" in the file header. There are still some limits on the sizes of variables, but the new format can create very large datasets. See NetCDF 64-bit Offset Format (CDF-2).

Starting from version 4.4.0, netCDF included the support of CDF-5 format.
In order to allows defining large array variables with more than 4-billion elements, CDF-5 replaces most of the 32-bit integers used to describe metadata with 64-bit integers. In addition, it supports the following new external data types: NC_UBYTE, NC_USHORT, NC_UINT, NC_INT64, and NC_UINT64. The CDF-5 format specifications can be found in (

NetCDF-4 variables and files can be any size supported by the underlying file system.

The original data format (netCDF classic), is still the default data format for the netCDF library.

The following table summarizes the size limitations of various permutations of LFS support, netCDF version, and data format. Note that 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes or about 1.07e+9 bytes, 1 EiB = 2^60 bytes or about 1.15e+18 bytes. Note also that all sizes are really 4 bytes less than the ones given below. For example the maximum size of a fixed variable in netCDF 3.6 classic format is really 2 GiB - 4 bytes.

Limits No LFS v3.5 v3.6/classic v3.6/64-bit offset v4.0/netCDF-4 and CDF-5
Max File Size 2 GiB 8 EiB 8 EiB 8 EiB unlimited
Max Number of Fixed Vars > 2 GiB 0 1 (last) 1 (last) 2^32 unlimited
Max Record Vars w/ Rec Size > 2 GiB 0 1 (last) 1 (last) 2^32 unlimited
Max Size of Fixed/Record Size of Record Var 2 GiB 2 GiB 2 GiB 4 GiB unlimited
Max Record Size 2 GiB/nrecs 4 GiB 8 EiB/nrecs 8 EiB/nrecs unlimited

For more information about the different file formats of netCDF see How to Select the Format.

NetCDF 64-bit Offset Format Limitations

Although the 64-bit offset format (CDF-2) allows the creation of much larger netCDF files than was possible with the classic format, there are still some restrictions on the size of variables.

It's important to note that without Large File Support (LFS) in the operating system, it's impossible to create any file larger than 2 GiBytes. Assuming an operating system with LFS, the following restrictions apply to the CDF-2 format.

No fixed-size variable can require more than 2^32 - 4 bytes (i.e. 4GiB minus 4 bytes, or 4,294,967,292 bytes) of storage for its data, unless it is the last fixed-size variable and there are no record variables. When there are no record variables, the last fixed-size variable can be any size supported by the file system, e.g. terabytes.

A CDF-2 file can have up to 2^32 - 1 fixed sized variables, each under 4GiB in size. If there are no record variables in the file the last fixed variable can be any size.

No record variable can require more than 2^32 - 4 bytes of storage for each record's worth of data, unless it is the last record variable. A CDF-2 file can have up to 2^32 - 1 records, of up to 2^32 - 1 variables, as long as the size of one record's data for each record variable except the last is less than 4 GiB - 4.

Note also that all netCDF variables and records are padded to 4 byte boundaries.

NetCDF Classic Format Limitations

There are important constraints on the structure of large netCDF classic files that result from the 32-bit relative offsets that are part of the netCDF classic file format (CDF-1):

The maximum size of a record in the classic format in versions 3.5.1 and earlier is 2^32 - 4 bytes, or about 4 GiB. In versions 3.6.0 and later, there is no such restriction on total record size for the classic formats.

If you don't use the unlimited dimension, only one variable can exceed 2 GiB in size, but it can be as large as the underlying file system permits. It must be the last variable in the dataset, and the offset to the beginning of this variable must be less than about 2 GiB.

The limit is really 2^31 - 4. If you were to specify a variable size of 2^31 -3, for example, it would be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4 bytes, which would be 2^31, which is larger than the largest signed integer, 2^31 - 1.

For example, the structure of the data might be something like:

netcdf bigfile1 {
double x(x); // coordinate variables
double y(y);
double z(z);
double var(x, y, z); // 800 Gbytes

If you use the unlimited dimension, record variables may exceed 2 GiB in size, as long as the offset of the start of each record variable within a record is less than 2 GiB - 4. For example, the structure of the data in a 2.4 Tbyte file might be something like:

netcdf bigfile2 {
t=UNLIMITED; // 1000 records, for example
double x(x); // coordinate variables
double y(y);
double z(z);
double t(t);
// 3 record variables, 2400000000 bytes per record
double var1(t, x, y, z);
double var2(t, x, y, z);
double var3(t, x, y, z);

The NetCDF-3 I/O Layer

The following discussion applies only to netCDF classic files (i.e. CDF-1, 2, and 5 formats). For netCDF-4 files, the I/O layer is the HDF5 library.

For netCDF classic offset files, an I/O layer implemented much like the C standard I/O (stdio) library is used by netCDF to read and write portable data to netCDF datasets. Hence an understanding of the standard I/O library provides answers to many questions about multiple processes accessing data concurrently, the use of I/O buffers, and the costs of opening and closing netCDF files. In particular, it is possible to have one process writing a netCDF dataset while other processes read it.

Data reads and writes are no more atomic than calls to stdio fread() and fwrite(). An nc_sync/NF_SYNC call is analogous to the fflush call in the C standard I/O library, writing unwritten buffered data so other processes can read it; The C function nc_sync(), or the Fortran function NF_SYNC(), also brings header changes up-to-date (for example, changes to attribute values). Opening the file with the NC_SHARE (in C) or the NF_SHARE (in Fortran) is analogous to setting a stdio stream to be unbuffered with the _IONBF flag to setvbuf.

As in the stdio library, flushes are also performed when "seeks" occur to a different area of the file. Hence the order of read and write operations can influence I/O performance significantly. Reading data in the same order in which it was written within each record will minimize buffer flushes.

You should not expect netCDF classic format data access to work with multiple writers having the same file open for writing simultaneously.

It is possible to tune an implementation of netCDF for some platforms by replacing the I/O layer with a different platform-specific I/O layer. This may change the similarities between netCDF and standard I/O, and hence characteristics related to data sharing, buffering, and the cost of I/O operations.

The distributed netCDF implementation is meant to be portable. Platform-specific ports that further optimize the implementation for better I/O performance are practical in some cases.

Parallel Access with NetCDF-4 {# parallel_access}

Use the special parallel open (or create) calls to open (or create) a file, and then to use parallel I/O to read or write that file (see nc_open_par()).

Note that the chunk cache is turned off if a file is opened for parallel I/O in read/write mode. Open the file in read-only mode to engage the chunk cache.

NetCDF uses the HDF5 parallel programming model for parallel I/O with netCDF-4/HDF5 files. The HDF5 tutorial ( is a good reference.

For classic files, netCDF uses the PnetCDF library from Argonne National Labs/Northwestern University. For parallel access of files in classic formats, netCDF must be configured with the –with-pnetcdf option at build time. See the PnetCDF site for more information ( Addition information and example programs can be found in (

Interoperability with HDF5

To create HDF5 files that can be read by netCDF-4, use the latest in the HDF5 1.8.x or 1.10.x series.

HDF5 has some features that will not be supported by netCDF-4, and will cause problems for interoperability:

  • HDF5 allows a Group to be both an ancestor and a descendant of another Group, creating cycles in the subgroup graph. HDF5 also permits multiple parents for a Group. In the netCDF-4 data model, Groups form a tree with no cycles, so each Group (except the top-level unnamed Group) has a unique parent.
  • HDF5 supports "references" which are like pointers to objects and data regions within a file. The netCDF-4 data model omits references.
  • HDF5 supports some primitive types that are not included in the netCDF-4 data model, including H5T_TIME and H5T_BITFIELD.
  • HDF5 supports multiple names for data objects like Datasets (netCDF-4 variables) with no distinguished name. The netCDF-4 data model requires that each variable, attribute, dimension, and group have a single distinguished name.
  • HDF5 (like netCDF) supports scalar attributes, but netCDF-4 cannot read scalar HDF5 attributes (unless it is a string attribute). This limitation will be removed in a future release of netCDF.

These are fairly easy requirements to meet, but there is one relating to shared dimensions which is a little more challenging. Every HDF5 dataset must have a dimension scale attached to each dimension.

Dimension scales are a new feature for HF 1.8, which allow specification of shared dimensions.

Without creation order in the HDF5 file, the files will still be readable to netCDF-4, it's just that netCDF-4 will number the variables in alphabetical, rather than creation, order.

Interoperability is a complex task, and all of this is in the alpha release stage. It is tested in libsrc4/tst_interops.c, which contains some examples of how to create HDF5 files, modify them in netCDF-4, and then verify them in HDF5. (And vice versa).