The TDM creates indexes for GRIB featureCollections, in a process seperate from the TDS. This allows lengthy file scanning and reindexing to happen in the background. The TDS uses the existing indices until notified that new ones are ready.
The TDM shares the TDS configuration, including threddsConfig.xml and the server configuration catalogs. On startup, it reads through the catalogs and finds GRIB featureCollections with a <tdm> element and adds them to a list. It can index once or periodically, depending on how you configure the <tdm> element. If you change the configuration, you must restart the TDM.
- For static datasets, let the TDM create the indexes, then start the TDS.
- For dynamic datasets, the TDM should run continually, and can send messages to the TDS when a dataset changes.
Get the current jar here.
The TDM can be run from anywhere, but by convention we create a directory {tomcat}/content/tdm, and run the TDM from there.
Create a shell script to run the TDM, for example
<JAVA> <JVM options> -Dtds.content.root.path=<content directory> -jar <TDM jar> [-tds <tdsServers>] [-cred <user:passwd>] [-showOnly] [-log level]for example:
/opt/jdk/bin/java -Xmx4g -Dtds.content.root.path=/opt/tds/content -jar tdm-4.5.jar -tds ","where:
- <JAVA> Large collections need a lot of memory, so use a 64-bit JVM
- <JVM options>
- -Xmx4g to give it 4 Gbytes of memory (for example). More is better.
- -Dtds.content.root.path=<content directory> this passes the content directory as a system property. The thredds configuration catalogs and threddsConfig.xml are found in <content directory>/thredds. Use an absolute path.
- -jar tdm-4.5.jar : execute the TDM from the jar file
- -tds <tdsServers>: (optional) list of TDS servers to notify. If more than one, seperate with commas, with no blanks. Specify only the scheme, host and optional port with a trailing slash for example: http://localhost:8081/
- -cred <user:passwd>: (optional) if you send notifications, the TDS will authenticate using this user name and password. If you do not include this option, you will be prompted for the password on startup, and the user name will be "tdm".
- -showOnly: (optional) if this is present, just show the featureCollections that will be indexed and exit.
- -log level: (optional) set the log4j logging level = DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR
- Make sure that the <JVM Options>, including -Dtds.content.root.path, come before the -jar <TDM jar>
- The <content directory> does not include the thredds subdirectory, eg /opt/tds/content not /opt/tds/content/thredds.
- You must run the TDM as a user who has read and write permission into the data directories, so it can write the index files (OR)
- If you are using GRIB index redirection, the TDM must have read access to the data directories, and write access to the index directories.
^Z (this is Control-Z) bg
The TDM scans the files in the feature Collection, and when it detects that the collection has changed, rewrites the index files. If enabled, it will send a trigger message to the TDS, and the TDS will reload that dataset. To enable this, you must configure the TDS with the tdsTrigger role, and add the user tdm with that role. Typically you do that by editing the ${tomcat}/conf/tomcat-user.xml file, eg:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <tomcat-users> <role ... /> <role rolename="tdsTrigger"/> <user ... /> <user username="tdm" password="secret" roles="tdsTrigger"/> </tomcat-users>Make sure that the tdm user has only the tdsTrigger role, for security.
If you dont want to allow external triggers, for example if your datasets are static, simple dont enable the tdsTrigger role in Tomcat. You can also set trigger="false" in the update element in your catalog:
<update startup="never" trigger="false" />
Example configuration in the TDS configuration catalogs. Point the TDM to the content directory using -Dtds.content.root.path=<content directory> on the TDM command line.
Static dataset:
<featureCollection name="NOMADS CFSRR" featureType="GRIB2" harvest="true" path="grib/NOMADS/cfsrr/timeseries">
<metadata inherited="true"> <dataType>GRID</dataType> <dataFormat>GRIB-2</dataFormat> </metadata> <collection name="NOMADS-cfsrr-timeseries" spec="/san4/work/jcaron/cfsrr/**/.*grib2$"
dateFormatMark="#cfsrr/#yyyyMM" timePartition="directory"/>
<tdm rewrite="always"/>
- rewrite="always" tells the TDM to index this dataset upon TDM startup.
- A log file will be written to fc.NOMADS-cfsrr-timeseries.log in the TDM working directory.
- The TDS will use the existing indexes, it does not monitor any changes in the dataset.
Dynamic dataset:
<featureCollection name="DGEX-Alaska_12km" featureType="GRIB2" harvest="true" path="grib/NCEP/DGEX/Alaska_12km"> <metadata inherited="true"> <dataType>GRID</dataType> <dataFormat>GRIB-2</dataFormat> </metadata> <collection name="DGEX-Alaska_12km" spec="/data/ldm/pub/native/grid/NCEP/DGEX/Alaska_12km/.*grib2$" dateFormatMark="#DGEX_Alaska_12km_#yyyyMMdd_HHmm" timePartition="file" olderThan="5 min"/> <tdm rewrite="true" rescan="0 0/15 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/> <update startup="never" trigger="allow" /> </featureCollection>
- <tdm> element for the TDM
- rewrite="test" tells the TDM to test for dataset changes
- rescan="0 0/15 * * * ? *" rescan directories every 15 minutes.
- <update> element for the TDS
- startup="never" tells the TDS to read in the featureCollection when starting up, using the existing indices
- trigger="allow" enables the TDS to recieve messages from the TDM when the dataset has changed
More complicated configuration can be done in the Spring configuration inside the jar file /resources/application-config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:util="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<bean id="executor" class="java.util.concurrent.Executors" factory-method="newFixedThreadPool"> 1) <constructor-arg type="int" value="4"/> </bean>
<bean id="completionService" class="java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService"> <constructor-arg type="java.util.concurrent.Executor" ref="executor"/> <constructor-arg type="java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue" ref="completionQ"/> </bean>
<bean id="testDriver" class="thredds.tdm.TdmRunner"> <property name="executor" ref="executor"/> 2) <property name="catalog" value="classpath:/resources/indexNomads.xml"/> <property name="serverNames"> <list> 3) <value></value> <value></value> </list> </property> </bean>
This is a utility program to examine the files in a collection before actually indexing them.
java -Xmx2g -classpath tdm-4.6.jar thredds.tdm.GCpass1 -spec "Q:/cdmUnitTest/gribCollections/rdavm/ds083.2/PofP/**/.*grib1" -useCacheDir "C:/temp/cache/" > gcpass1.out
Usage: thredds.tdm.GCpass1 [options]
-h, --help
Display this help and exit
Default: false
Is Grib2 collection.
Default: false
Partition type: none, directory, file
Default: directory
Collection regexp string, exactly as in the <featureCollection>.
Collection rootDir, exactly as in the <featureCollection>.
Collection specification string, exactly as in the <featureCollection>.
Set the Grib index cache directory.
Use Table version to make seperate variables.
Default: false
1) FeatureCollectionConfig name= 'GCpass1' collectionName= 'GCpass1' type= 'GRIB1' spec= 'B:/rdavm/ds083.2/grib1/**/.*grib1' timePartition= directory #files #records #vars #runtimes #gds 2) Directory B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1 3) Directory B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999 4) B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.07 total 1 244 63 1 1 1999-07-30T18:00:00Z - 1999-07-30T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.08 total 119 29046 66 119 1 1999-08-01T00:00:00Z - 1999-08-31T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.09 total 89 21755 66 89 1 1999-09-01T00:00:00Z - 1999-09-30T12:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.10 total 62 15128 63 62 1 1999-10-01T00:00:00Z - 1999-10-31T12:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.11 total 97 23816 66 97 1 1999-11-01T00:00:00Z - 1999-11-30T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999\1999.12 total 120 29512 66 120 1 1999-12-01T00:00:00Z - 1999-12-31T18:00:00Z 5) B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\1999 total 488 119501 66 488 1 1999-07-30T18:00:00Z - 1999-12-31T18:00:00Z 3) Directory B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2000 4) B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2000\2000.01 total 124 30504 64 124 1 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2000-01-31T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2000\2000.02 total 116 28536 64 116 1 2000-02-01T00:00:00Z - 2000-02-29T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2000\2000.03 total 124 30504 64 124 1 2000-03-01T00:00:00Z - 2000-03-31T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2000\2000.04 total 120 29520 64 120 1 2000-04-01T00:00:00Z - 2000-04-30T18:00:00Z ... B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2014\2014.11 total 120 34560 76 120 1 2014-11-01T00:00:00Z - 2014-11-30T18:00:00Z B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2014\2014.12 total 67 19296 76 67 1 2014-12-01T00:00:00Z - 2014-12-17T12:00:00Z 5) B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1\2014 total 1403 444544 116 1403 1 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2014-12-17T12:00:00Z 6) B:\rdavm\ds083.2\grib1 total 22347 6546693 118 22347 1 1999-07-30T18:00:00Z - 2014-12-17T12:00:00Z #files #records #vars #runtimes #gds 6) grand total 22347 6546693 118 22347 1 7) referenceDate (22347) 1999-07-30T18:00:00Z - 2014-12-17T12:00:00Z: count = 22347 8) table version (2) 7-0-1: count = 3188 7-0-2: count = 6543505 9) variable (118) 5-wave_geopotential_height_anomaly_isobaric_10: count = 22076 5-wave_geopotential_height_isobaric_10: count = 22344 Absolute_vorticity_isobaric_10: count = 581022 Albedo_surface_Average: count = 6922 ... 10) gds (1) 1645598069: count = 6546693 11) gdsTemplate (1) 0: count = 6546693 12) vertCoordInGDS (0) 13) predefined (0) 14) thin (0)