Some interesting URLs for the radarServer service:
Some interesting URLs for the radarServer query service:
Variable list:
NCR, NVL, N3R, DPA, N2R, N1V, N0S, N0Z, N2S, DHR, NET, NVW, NTP, N1P, N1S, N0R, N0V, N1R, N3S
Variable Descriptions:
"NTP/PrecipAccum" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Precipitation > Rain" units="in"
"N1P/PrecipAccum" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Precipitation > Rain" units="in"
"N0R/BaseReflectivity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"N1R/BaseReflectivity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"N2R/BaseReflectivity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"N3R/BaseReflectivity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"N0Z/BaseReflecitvity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"NCR/CompReflectivity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity" units="dbZ"
"N0V/BaseVelocity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity" units="knots"
"N1V/BaseVelocity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity" units="knots"
"N0S/RadialVelocity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity" units="knots"
"N1S/RadialVelocity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity" units="knots"
"N2S/RadialVelocity" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Spectral/Engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity" units="knots"
"NET/EchoTop" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Clouds > Cloud Optical Depth/Thickness" units="1000 feet"
"NVL/VertLiquid" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Precipitation > Liquid Water Equivalent" units="kg/m2"
"NVW/VadWindSpeed" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Wind Profiles" units="knots"
"DPA/PrecipArray_0" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Precipitation > Precipitation Amount" units="dBA"
"DPA/PrecipArray_x" vocabulary="EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Precipitation > Precipitation Rate" units="dBA"
Variable names with spaces or other illegal characters must be escaped.
Latitude, longitude values are specified in decimal degrees north and east, respectively.
Use one of the following methods:
Specify all of these parameters (order does not matter):
The bounding box has west as its west edge, includes all points going east until the east edge. Units must be degrees east, may be positive or negative, and will be taken modulo 360. Therefore, when crossing the dateline, the west edge may be greater than the east edge. Examples:
The requested point must lie within the dataset spatial range. The station closest to the requested point will be used.
You may specify a list of stations instead of the lat/lon point or bounding box
The list of valid stations is available from the Dataset Description. Station names with spaces or other illegal characters must be escaped.
Use one of the following methods:
Specify 2 of these 3 parameters (order does not matter):
The intersection of the requested time range with the dataset time range will be returned.
The 'latest' data retrieval is obtained by 'time=present'. The requested time point must lie within the dataset time range. The time slice/point closest to the requested time will be returned.
This returns data from all available times.
The accept parameter default is xml and it is the only legal one at this time.