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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1

3 Accessing and Displaying Data
In this section, we will discuss the data selection process and how to load in most of the types of data that the IDV supports.

3.0  Data Selection Overview
The data selection process involves adding a new Data Source to the IDV, choosing a field to display and selecting the manner in which you wish to display it.
3.1  Using the Data Source Chooser
The Data Source Chooser is used to load data sets into the IDV.
3.2  Working with Gridded Data
Gridded data can be the output from a numerical model or an objective analysis of observational data. Each gridded data source is comprised of a set of 2- and/or 3-D fields. Each field may have of one or more times associated with it. The IDV supports a variety of ways of visualizing gridded data. In this section we will explore some of these.
3.3  Displaying Satellite and Level III Radar Imagery
The IDV can load satellite imagery and Level III Radar Images from remote ADDE servers. Using ADDE allows the IDV to support multiple file formats. The IDV can also read in local McIDAS AREA formatted imagery.
3.4  Color tables
In this section we will cover how to use the IDV Color Table Editor to view, edit and create color tables.
3.5  WSR-88D Level II Data Displays
The IDV reads WSR-88D Level II data files. Each file has data for one complete volume scan of the atmosphere, including sweeps at several elevations. The IDV displays the data as sweeps and RHIs, in 2D and 3D, and as 3D isosurfaces. The IDV can be used for a general purpose Level II data viewer, and can also combine Level II data displays with other meteorological data, in 2D plots and in 3D displays in the upper atmosphere.
3.6  Saving State, Views and Data
The IDV supports saving application state.
3.7  Point Observations
The IDV can display a variety of point observations
3.8  Upper Air Displays
The IDV displays upper air data. Presently the IDV displays balloon soundings (RAOBs) as a skew-T log-p diagram, and with a wind barb staff and a table of aerological values.
3.9  Transect Views
3.10  Trajectory Data
The IDV supports a variety of aircraft track data and displays.
3.11  Miscellaneous Displays
3.12  NOAA Profiler Network Winds
The IDV can display winds from the NOAA Profiler Network in time-height plots at a station, and as multi-station plots wind barbs at single heights or at multiple heights in the IDV 3D display.
3.13  Working with WRF Output
WRF output can be analyzed and visualized in a number of ways, both interactively and from batch script processing. The first part of this section will focus on using the IDV to interactivly display and analyze WRF output; the second part will focus on the use of the Jython scripting language.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1