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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data

3.3 Displaying Satellite and Level III Radar Imagery
The IDV can load satellite imagery and Level III Radar Images from remote ADDE servers. Using ADDE allows the IDV to support multiple file formats. The IDV can also read in local McIDAS AREA formatted imagery.

3.3.0  Loading Satellite Imagery
Satellite imagery from geostationary and polar orbiting satellites is available through a network of servers supported by Unidata. Most of the imagery available on these servers covers the North America region. These servers use the Abstract Data Distribution Environment (ADDE) protocol.
3.3.1  Level III Radar Image Displays
Real-time Level III radar data is available from the network of ADDE servers in the Unidata community. At present, the IDV can read Level III data from both ADDE and TDS Radar servers.
3.3.2  Probing Level III Data
Just as we could probe gridded data, we can also probe the satellite and radar images.
3.3.3  Overlaying Radar on Satellite and other imagery
You can create displays with both radar and satellite imagery in the same view as well as separate views.
3.3.4  Time Matching Radar and Satellite imagery
You can use time matching feature in the IDV to create a time synchronized display with both radar and satellite imagery.
3.3.5  Adaptive Resolution in Satellite Imagery

In this exercise, we'll load in some high resolution visible imagery from the GINI East 1km dataset.

3.3.6  Doing More with Image Displays
Additional exercises you can do with image data.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data