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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data > WSR-88D Level II Data Displays

3.5.4 Level II Volume Scan Display

This IDV display shows all sweeps and individual bins in a WSR-88D volume scan, at their true positions in the atmosphere.

If necessary, select Level II data and times as described in Accessing WSR-88D Level II Radar Data.

  1. If other displays are in the main IDV window, select the Edit→Remove All Displays menu item or the icon in the toolbar to clear them out.
  2. Select one of the times for this dataset.
  3. In the Field Selector window create a Volume Scan (all sweeps) display using the Reflectivity field.
  4. See the display in 3D.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data > WSR-88D Level II Data Displays