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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics > Scripting with IDV

4.3.0 ISL Introduction
Create a simple "Hello World" ISL file.
  1. First of all bring up a terminal window and create a sub-directory: /home/idv/isl
  2. Change directory to the /home/idv/isl directory.
  3. Copy the following to your isl directory. Right click on link and do 'Save Link As'
    <isl debug="true">
         <!-- This is an XML comment -->
         <echo message="Hello world"/>
  4. From the terminal run the IDV with the basic1.isl as the command line argument:
    runIDV /home/idv/isl/basic1.isl
  5. Let's loop this now by adding a group tag. Copy this file:
    <isl debug="true">
         <echo message="Here is my loop:"/>
         <group loop="5" sleep="1">
             <echo message="Hello world"/>
         <echo message="Done"/>
  6. Let's define some properties with the property tag. Properties are referenced as ${propertyname}.
    <isl debug="true">
         <property name="message1" value="This is  property message1"/>
         <property name="message2" value="This is  property message2"/>
         <echo message="Here is my loop:"/>
         <group loop="5" sleep="1">
             <echo message="Here is message 1: ${message1}"/>
             <echo message="Here is message 2: ${message2}"/>
             <echo message="There is a built-in loopindex property: ${loopindex}"/>
         <echo message="\n\nThere are also built-in time properties"/>
         <echo message="The islpath points to where the isl is: ${islpath}"/>
         <echo message="There are date/time properties, e.g.: ${yyyy}_${MM}_${dd} ${H}:${mm}:${s}"/>


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics > Scripting with IDV