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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics

4.3 Scripting with IDV
The IDV offers a couple of different scripting environments. The IDV Scripting Language (ISL) is an XML based language for scripting the IDV. The IDV can also be scripted via Jython programming language. You can load bundles, create images and movies,manipulate files, etc. User Guide.

4.3.0  ISL Introduction
Create a simple "Hello World" ISL file.
4.3.1  Generating Images
Load in a bundle and generate a screen shot.
4.3.2  More on Generating Images
More examples on generating image and movie.
4.3.3  Manipulating Images
The ISL supports a variety of image manipulations.
4.3.4  ISL Exercises
Come up with an interesting ISL file. Here are some ideas:
4.3.5  Interactive Scripting with the IDV and the Jython Shell
IDV Jython scripting environment to visualize data interactively.
4.3.6  Batch Scripting with the IDV Jython API
IDV Jython scripting to visualize data in batch mode


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Advanced Topics