Previous: Vertical Cross-section Control Next: Isosurface  Control Table of contents Images Frames Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer > Display Controls > Gridded Data Displays

5.1.4 More with Vertical Cross-section Control
The newly developed feature will allow to add two more cross-section displays to the original cross-section display:

The second shows the settings for this display control:

After creating the first vertical cross-sections display, you can add a contour cross-section display for a second variable as well as a wind vector cross-section display for a derived variable. When working multi variables cross-section displays, we recommend using a color-filled contour display or a color-shaded display, and contour displays for the second or the third variables.

You can add new parameters a number of ways:

The design only allows maximum three cross-section displays. The newly added parameter has a remove action that can be applied:



Previous: Vertical Cross-section Control Next: Isosurface  Control Table of contents Images Frames Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer > Display Controls > Gridded Data Displays