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5.4.1 Time-Height Control
A time-height display is a display of samples of a 3D parameter along a vertical profile line from top to bottom of the available data, with time as the independent coordinate (x axis). You can choose both a contour time height display, a color filled and a color shaded time height display. After created the time height display of the first variable, you can add a contour time height display of the second variable.
You can add new parameters a number of ways: The design only allows two time height displays. The newly added parameter has a remove action that can be applied: The map position of the vertical profile is indicated by the "Lat: Long:" readout above the graph .

The map position of the profile is shown in the main 3D view window by a colored vertical line. There is a Selector Point on top of the vertical line. You can move the vertical profile line over the map by dragging the Selector Point with the left mouse button. You can zoom in on the display graph by holding down the Shift key and dragging the mouse pointer up while pressing the left mouse button; drag down to zoom out. You can pan the graph by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging the mouse pointer in any direction while pressing the left mouse button.



Previous: Data Probe/Time Series Next: Vertical Profile Control Table of contents Images Frames Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer > Display Controls > Probes