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7.4.2 Resource Viewer
The Resource Viewer is a way to look at in one place all of the various resources that are available in the IDV. This includes favorite bundles, formulas, color tables, projections, etc. To bring up the Resource Viewer go to the Tools->Resource Viewer menu:
Resource Viewer
Image 1: Resource Viewer
The "Local only" checkbox in the lower left allows you to just view the resources that you have created yourself. You can select any number of listed resources and add thim to the Plugin Creator with the "plus" button.

The "List Resources" button just shows a listing of where the IDV looks for resources and where it found them (shown in green) and where it looked but could not find them (in red). This is useful when trying to figure out where resources are coming from (e.g., from a plugin, etc.)

Resource List
Image 2: Resource List


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