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4.4 Zooming, Panning and Rotating
There are several methods to zoom, pan, and rotate in the IDV. You can use the mouse, the arrow keys, a rubber band box, or the Zoom/Pan Toolbar. To reset to the initial base viewpoint use the key combination Control-r.

Note: You need to click in the view window when using key combinations.

Note: If you are using an Apple Mac with a single button mouse, see below.
Shift-Left Mouse Drag: Select a region region by pressing the Shift key and dragging the left mouse button (MB1).
Shift-Right Mouse Drag: Hold Shift key and drag the right mouse button (MB3). Moving up zooms in, moving down zooms out.
Control-Right Mouse Drag: Hold Control key and drag right mouse to pan. Right Mouse Drag: Drag right mouse to rotate.
Scroll Wheel
Scroll Wheel-Up: Zoom out.
Scroll Wheel-Down: Zoom in.
  Control-Scroll Wheel-Up/Down: Rotate clockwise/counter clockwise.
Shift-Scroll Wheel-Up/Down: Rotate forward/backward clockwise.
Arrow keys
Shift-Up Arrow: Zoom in.
Shift-Down Arrow: Zoom out.
Control-Up arrow: Pan down.
Control-Down arrow: Pan up.
Control-Right arrow: Pan left.
Control-Left arrow: Pan right.
Left/Right Arrow: Rotate around vertical axis.
Up/Down Arrow: Rotate around horizontal axis.
Shift-Left/Right Arrow: Rotate clockwise/counter clockwise.

4.4.0 Apple Mac One Button Mouse Controls
Mouse controls are a bit more challenging if you are running the IDV on a Mac with a single mouse button. The typical left mouse button (MB1) functions are done with a click of the button. Right mouse options (MB3) are simulated using the Option key with a mouse click. Use the following:

There is no replacement for the mouse panning actions on the Mac. Use the keyboard arrow functions or the Viewpoint toolbar instead.
4.4.1 The Viewpoint Toolbar
The Viewpoint Toolbar allows you to quickly switch the point of view to any of six choices, including from overhead (the same as you see in a new display), from below, and from north, east, south or west. The buttons show the side of the point of view looking into the 3D display volume. Click on any of the buttons to change the point of view. The top button for overhead is also useful if the display is in a confusing state and you want to get oriented.

The other three buttons allow you to switch perspective between converging to infinity and not converging, define your own viewpoint settings, and set the vertical limits.

You can specify any viewpoint exactly from any angle in 3D you like using the View->Viewpoint->Viewpoint Dialog menu choice.

4.4.2 The Zoom/Pan Toolbar
The Zoom/Pan Toolbar allows you to zoom and pan. Clicking on the "plus" icon zooms in, centered on the center of the display. Clicking on the "minus" icon zooms out, centered on the center of the display. Clicking on the "house" icon restores the initial point of view of this projection (overhead, centered on center of the map projection in use). Clicking on one of the arrow buttons moves the point of view in the direction of the button; the display moves in the opposite direction. If you click on the up button, the map and display move down.

You can "tear away" the toolbar and place it elsewhere on your screen as a tiny window by dragging with the right mouse button on the textured area above the toolbar. Clicking on the x on the toolbar will then restore the toolbar to its original location.

4.4.3 The Viewpoint Undo/Redo Buttons
The Undo and Redo buttons allow you to undo or redo viewpoint changes.


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