Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Accessing and Displaying Data > Working with WRF Output > Jython Combining Displays
Adding different displays to your WRF images.
Now that we have basic control over our display, let's add a color-shaded plan view to our contoured display. The following example code is based on the example from the previous section, but has been re-arranged for clarity. Note that we have given each DisplayControl
object (dc_contour
and dc_shade
) a "ZPosition" to ensure that the contours are on top of the color shaded display.
import java.awt.Color as Color # # input options # filename = '../data/wrfprs_d01.057' contour_variable = 'Pressure_reduced_to_MSL @ msl' shade_variable = 'Temperature @ height_above_ground' file_opener = 'file.grid' # # output options # display_contour = 'planviewcontour' display_shade = 'planviewcolor' image_dimensions = (800, 600) output_name = 'twoDisplays.png' # # Generate the image # # setup the basic view of the IDV # setOffScreen(1) idv.getStateManager().setViewSize(java.awt.Dimension(image_dimensions[0], image_dimensions[1])) ctm = idv.getColorTableManager() # # get data # ds = makeDataSource(filename, file_opener) contour_data = getData(ds.getName(), contour_variable) shade_data = getData(ds.getName(), shade_variable) # # create colorshaded image # dc_shade = createDisplay(display_shade, shade_data) # add label label = shade_variable+' (%displayunit%)' dc_shade.setDisplayListTemplate(label ) dc_shade.setDisplayListColor(Color.white) dc_shade.setColorTable(ctm.getColorTable('PressureMSL')) # add color scale colorScaleInfo = dc_shade.getColorScaleInfo() colorScaleInfo.setOrientation(colorScaleInfo.VERTICAL) colorScaleInfo.setPlacement(colorScaleInfo.LEFT) colorScaleInfo.setIsVisible(True) dc_shade.setZPosition(0.) pause() # # create contoured image # dc_contour = createDisplay(display_contour, contour_data) dc_contour.setColorTable(ctm.getColorTable('White')) # change unit old_unit = dc_contour.getDisplayUnit() dc_contour.setDisplayUnitName('mb') new_range = dc_contour.convertColorRange(dc_contour.getRange(),old_unit) dc_contour.setRange(new_range) # create label label = contour_variable+' (%displayunit%)' dc_contour.setDisplayListTemplate(label+' - %timestamp%') dc_contour.setDisplayListColor(Color.white) dc_contour.displayableToFront() dc_contour.setZPosition(1.) # render and save image pause() image = getImage() writeImage(output_name)

Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Accessing and Displaying Data > Working with WRF Output > Jython