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5.4.0 Data Probe/Time Series
The data probe shows a time series chart of one or more fields at a single location. It also shows a tabular readout of the value at the current animation time step. In the image below we have a Probe Control showing three parameters: T, RH and windspeed. Their values at the current animation time step are shown in the table and their time series are shown. Note, the T and RH fields are shown in one chart and the windspeed is shown in another chart. You can have any number of fields and any number of charts. You can configure the layout of the charts, the chart properties and the line properties for each parameter. See here for more information.

A small colored square Selector Point in the main IDV display shows where the probe is located. You can drag the probe point over the map in the main display. You can change the probe point vertically as well.

The table shows the parameters with their values, the level at which the value is sampled, and the type of sampling. The location of the probe is shown, in latitude, longitude, and altitude. When surface data is probed the height of the probe point does not matter.

You can add new parameters a number of ways:

  • Right click on the table and select Add Parameter...
  • Through the Edit->Add Parameter... menu.
  • Through the View->Parameters->Add Parameter... menu.

Each parameter has a set of actions that can be applied:

  • Copy. Copy the selected parameter. This allows you view the same parameter value at different locations or with different sampling methods.
  • Chart Properties. Allows you to change how the parameter is displayed in the chart. See here
  • Change Unit. You can change the display unit for the selected parameter.
  • Set Sound.... You can define a sound type and range for the parameter. As the probe is moved around or the time animation is run a sound is applied based on the value.
  • Remove. Remove the selected parameter.
  • Displays. You can directly create new display using the selected parameter.
These parameter actions can be accessed by right clicking on the parameter row in the table or through the View->Parameters menu.

Probing on point data
You can also probe on point data as well. The only difference is that this control will find the closest observation to the probe position and use that data to sample on.

  • Other Menu Items

    • File->Save->Export Current Time as CSV and File->Save->Export All Times as CSV allows you to export the current time step's data or all times as a comma separated file (CSV).
    • Selecting the Edit->Change Display Format allows you to change how the data is displayed in the table. This template is html with macros that get replaced with the display value, unit, raw value and raw data unit.
    • Edit->Add Parameter... Add a new parameter to the list.

    • The View->Probe->Position menu allows you to reset the probe position and fix the x, y or z axis of movement. Resetting the probe position is useful when the probe point gets lost in the displays.
    • The View->Probe->Size menu allows you to increase and decrease the probe size.

    • The View->Probe->Probe Shape menu allows you to change the shape of the probe.

  • Location

    These fields display the location of the probe and allow the user to directly set the location. Enter a latitude, longitude or altitude and press return.

  • Levels

    The Level column in the table shows the height of the sample point. Click in the level value box, and you can reset the level for that parameter to other altitude values (in the native data set) with a selector list of levels that pops up. The level "Probe's" is whatever level the probe happens to be at, which may not be a native level of the data. Note that once you set the level to a level not at the probe point, the probe point no longer shows where the sample is from. The probe does have the same latitude and longitude as the data shown, but not the altitude.

  • Sampling

    Probe values can be interpolated from neighboring grid values, since the probe position almost never coincides exactly with the location of a data point. The Sampling column shows if this interpolation is used. "Weighed average" uses interpolation of nearby data points; "Nearest neighbor" gives the exact value of the datum in the grid cell where the probe is located .Click in the sampling column box, and you can set the sampling method for that parameter.


Previous: Probes Next: Time-Height Control Table of contents Images Frames Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer > Display Controls > Probes