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NOAAPORT Data Ingestion

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This system captures NOAAPORT multicast UDP packets from a DVB-S receiver, creates LDM data-products from the data, and inserts those products into an LDM product-queue. The main programs of this system are 1) the noaaportIngester program; 2) the deprecated dvbs_multicast program; 3) a shared-memory FIFO ; and 4) the deprecated readnoaaport program. The shared-memory FIFO is used to buffer the flow of data from the dvbs_multicast program to the readnoaaport program.


Operating systems based on Redhat Linux (e.g., RHEL, Fedora, CentOS) must have two kernel parameters modified from their default values. The parameter net.ipv4.ipfrag_max_dist controls the process by which UDP fragments are reassembled into a UDP packet. Because the DVB-S2 receiver guarantees sequential delivery of fragmented NOAAPORT UDP packets, this re-assembly process should be disabled by setting the parameter to 0 in order to prevent spurious gaps from occurring in the UDP packet stream. Also, the value of parameter net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter should be 2 in order to obtain correct support for a multi-homed system. As root, execute the commands

 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ipfrag_max_dist=0
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=2
 sysctl -p

If, after making these changes and (re)starting the LDM, the LDM doesn't see any incoming data, then you should try rebooting your system and (optionally) using the tcpdump(8) utility to verify that UDP packets are arriving at the relevant interface.


Edit the LDM configuration file, ~/etc/ldmd.conf, and add the entries needed to read and process the DVB-S stream(s). Here's one possibility using the noaaportIngester program and the keep_running script to ensure that the program is restarted if it crashes (due to a malformed GRIB2 message, for example).

 # NOAAPort DVB-S ingest
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nwstg.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/goes.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nwstg2.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/oconus.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m -l var/logs/nother.log"
 EXEC "keep_running noaaportIngester -m  -l var/logs/wxwire.log"

Note that the "-l" option is used to separate log messages.

Alternatively, the deprecated dvbs_multicast and readnoaaport programs could be used:

 # DVB-S multicast UDP listening and shared-memory writing processes
 EXEC    "keep_running dvbs_multicast -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running dvbs_multicast -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running dvbs_multicast -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running dvbs_multicast -m"

 # Shared-memory reading and data-product creation & insertion processes
 EXEC    "keep_running readnoaaport -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running readnoaaport -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running readnoaaport -m"
 EXEC    "keep_running readnoaaport -m"

These ldmd.conf actions create a dvbs_multicast process for each available PID from the UDP multicast stream. Each such process places the received packets into a shared-memory buffer for reading by a corresponding readnoaaport process. There must be one readnoaaport process for each dvbs_multicast process.

Restart the LDM system, if appropriate.


The programs that ingest NOAAPort use the same logging mechanism as the rest of the LDM package. This means that the ingest programs will either use the default LDM logging mechanism or one based on syslogd(8) – depending on how the package was configured. See the section on logging in the LDM reference documentation for details.

Using default LDM logging

The destination for log messages depends on the -l pathname option. If no such option is specified, then the ingest processes will log to the default LDM log file (typically ~/var/logs/ldmd.log). If, however, that option is specified, then the ingest processes will log to the given destination.

Using syslogd(8) logging

We've found it useful to override the default logging destination and have each instance of noaaportIngester or readnoaaport write a notice of every processed product to its own log file. We do this via the -u X option, where X refers to the localX logging facility:

 EXEC    "keep_running noaaportIngester -m -n -u 3"


 EXEC    "keep_running readnoaaport -m -n -u 3"

If you are not interested in logging to seperate files, simply omit the -u X option and skip the rest of this section.

If you do choose this approach, then you must add additional configuration lines to syslogd(8)'s configuration-file, /etc/syslog.conf. The standard additions to /etc/syslog.conf for the LDM are:

Here is an example of how this looks on our Fedora Linux system:

 *.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none;local0.none       /var/log/messages

 # LDM logging
 local0.debug                                                         /home/ldm/logs/ldmd.log

To setup syslogd(8) to log to a different file for each ingester, one has to add more entries to /etc/syslog.conf. Here is an example of how we have /etc/syslog.conf setup on our Fedora system that is running the LDM and ingesting the nwstg2 and oconus streams in the current DVB-S NOAAPORT stream:

 *.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none;local0.none;local3.none;local4.none;local5.none;local6.none  /var/log/messages

 # LDM logging
 local0.debug                         /home/ldm/logs/ldmd.log

 # LDM NOAAport ingest logging
 local3.debug                         /data/tmp/nwstg.log
 local4.debug                         /data/tmp/goes.log
 local5.debug                         /data/tmp/nwstg2.log
 local6.debug                         /data/tmp/oconus.log

The log files for our NOAAPORT ingest processes can become very large in a hurry. Because of this, it is best to rotate the files once-per-day. Here is the crontab(1) entry we currently use to do the file rotation:

 # rotate NOAAport ingest logs
 0 0 * * * bin/nplog_rotate 4

Here, 4 is the number of days of all DVB-S readnoaaport invocation log files to keep online.

Performance considerations if you use dvbs_multicast

dvbs_multicast is the program which reads the UDP packets from a PID on the multicast. The reading of the UDP stream must be able to keep up with the stream since there is no mechanism for UDP packets to be retransmitted. We have found that the process which reads these UDP packets can see gaps in the data stream if the process is swapped out by the operating system. To alleviate this possibilty we recommend the following: