LDM Programs
- feedme
- Receive products from a remote Unidata LDM
- ldmadmin
- Administer Unidata Local Data Manager
- ldmd
- Unidata Local Data Manager
- ldmping
- Check if LDM server is running
- ldmsend
- Construct products from files and send to Unidata LDM server
- netcheck
- Run traceroute and ping to upstream and downstream IDD hosts
- notifyme
- Receive notification messages from a remote Unidata LDM
- pqact
- Process products in a Unidata LDM product queue
- pqcat
- Output products in a Unidata LDM product queue
- pqcreate
- Create a Unidata LDM product queue
- pqexpire
- Remove old products from a Unidata LDM product queue
- pqing
- Capture meteorological data into a local Unidata LDM product queue
- pqinsert
- Inserts meteorological data into a local Unidata LDM product queue
- pqmon
- Monitor the state of the product queue
- pqsend
- Send products in a Unidata LDM product queue to a downstream LDM server
- pqsurf
- Bust surface bulletins into individual observations
- pqutil
- Monitor and maintain the product queue.
- regutil
- Print, modify, and manage the LDM registry.
- rtstats
- Generate time based statistics from an LDM product queue and transmit to a receiving host using LDM
- scour
- Delete old data files
- syscheck
- Run various system utilities to monitor workstation performance
LDM Libraries
- gdbm
- The GNU database library interface
- pq
- The LDM product queue interface
- regexp
- The regular expression library interface used for pattern matching
- ulog
- Unidata LDM logging interface