Table of contents Previous: MD files - Meteorological Diagrams Next: Grids and Grid Files - Basic Concepts

9 Grids and GRID Files

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A McIDAS grid is a lattice of regularly spaced data points. Grids can be generated from numerical models or observational data. When you contour observational data, it is interpolated and can be stored as a grid. Grids are stored in GRID files.

This lesson describes how to:

The following commands are used in this lesson:


GRDCOPYcopies grids from one dataset to another
GRDDISPgenerates contours, streamlines or plots from grid data
GRDINFOlists, modifies, or statistically analyzes grid point values
GRDLISTlists grids in a dataset

Table of contents Previous: MD files - Meteorological Diagrams Next: Grids and Grid Files - Basic Concepts