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Plots NOAA GSD wind profiler data.


PROFDISP parameter level map time day


parameter plot surface ID, IDN, T(F), TD(F), PSL(mb), PCP(mm), ZS(m), Z(m), DIR(deg), SPD(kts), WINDB, WINDV, PLOT
all levels PLOT, DIR(deg), SPD(kts), WINDB,WINDV, VWND(m/s)
  contour surface T(F), TD(F), PSL(mb), PCP(mm), ZS(m), DIR(deg), SPD(kts), STREAML
all levels DIR(deg), SPD(kts), STREAML, VWND(m/s)
level low mode SFC, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, 2500, 2750,3000,3250, 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750, 5000, 5250, 5500, 5750, 6000, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7250, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 8750, 9000, 9250 (default = SFC)
high mode SFC, 7500, 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 8750, 9000, 9250, 9500, 9750, 10000, 10250, 10500, 10750, 11000, 11250, 11500, 11750, 12000, 12250, 12500, 12750, 13000, 13250, 13500, 13750, 14000, 14250, 14500, 14750, 15000, 15250, 15500, 15750, 16000, 16250 (default = SFC)
map mnemonic any map mnemonic defined in MAP context table
OLAY navigation from image; no map drawn (def)
SAT navigation from image; no map drawn
time Time of obseravtion (default = current)
  FRAME plot data with same time as image (IMA) frame
day Date of obseravtion (default = current)



COL= Display color of parameter (default = assigned by PROFDISP)
DAT= Data set names and position (default = RTPTSRC/PROFHOURLY)
DAY= CCYYDDD (default = current)
NOTE: DAY= keyword takes precedance over day positional
DECl= YES use plot decluttering
NO do not use plot decluttering (default)
LSI= Display height of parameter (default = assigned by PROFDISP)
MOD= profiler mode: (default = dependent on plot level)
LOW 0 - 7250 meters
HIGH 7500 - 16250 meters
OFF= Display offset of parameter (default = assigned by PROFDISP)
OUT= Output mode [PLOT,CON] (default = PLOT)
TYP= profiler data type
HOUR hourly summary (default )
6MIN 6-minute
UNI= Display unit of parameter (default = see remarks below)



PROFDISP will form a PTDISP command to display the data.

The table below lists the valid parameter' entries, their default units, and a description of the parameter. Default units enclosed in parenthesis cannot be changed.

Parameter Default Units Description
ID (text) wind profiler station ID (IDA,IDB)
IDN (text) wind profiler WMO station ID number
T F temperature
TD F dew point temperature
PSL MB sea level station pressure
PCP MM 3-hour precipitation total
ZS M station elevation
Z M height above sea level
DIR (degrees) wind direction
SPD KTS wind speed
WINDB (barb) wind barb (of DIR,SPD) where flag = 25 mps (~50 kts), long barb = 5 mps (~10kts), short barb = 2.5 mps (~5 kts)
WINDV (vector) wind vector (of DIR,SPD)
STREAML ( ) streamlines of horizontal winds
VWND MPS vertical wind
PLOT (plot) surface: ID,T,TD,PSL,PCP,WINDB
upper level: ID,WINDB,VWND

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